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Introduction to Organic Chemistry

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1 Introduction to Organic Chemistry

2 Organic Chemistry Study of all compounds that contain bonds between carbon atoms

3 Why is Carbon so unique? 4 valence electrons
Each can form a covalent bond with another atom H, O, P, S, N are a examples of other elements C can bond with. C can bond with other C atoms Single, double or triple bonds. Straight chains or rings Extremely Versatile!!

4 Diversity of Carbon Compounds

5 Macromolecules Large molecules that are formed by joining smaller organic molecules together Another name is “polymer” – made from repeating units of identical or nearly identical compounds called “monomers”

6 Organic Compounds Found in Living Things
Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic Acids Proteins

7 Carbohydrates Compounds made up of carbon hydrogen and oxygen atoms. Usually in a ratio of 1:2:1


9 Function of Carbohydrates
Main source of energy for living things. Plants and some animal s use carbohydrates for structural purposes.

10 Function of Carbohydrates
Breakdown of sugars, such as glucose (C6H12O6), supplies immediate energy for all cell activities. Monosaccharide Single sugar molecule (ex. Glucose, Dextrose, and Fructose) Test for presence of: use BENEDICT’S SOLUTION

11 Where does all the extra go?
Living things store extra sugar as starches. Polysaccharide Macromolecule formed from monosaccharides linked together Animal Starch – Glycogen Plant Starch – Cellulose Test for Presence of: IODINE

12 Lipids Triglyceride – solid at room temperature.
Stored in fat cells of body. Oil – liquid at room temperature

13 Lipid Structure Each lipid molecule has fatty acid tails, each having carbon atoms either singly or doubly bonded together.

14 Saturated vs. Unsaturated Fats
Saturated Fats – lipids with single bonds between the carbon atoms because no more hydrogens can bond to the tail. Unsaturated Fats – lipids that have at least one double bond and can accommodate at least one more hydrogen.

15 Testing for the Presence of Lipids
Sudan III Test

16 Phospholipids Responsible for structure and function of the cell membrane. Has polar phosphate head (hydrophilic) and non-polar fatty acid tails (hydrophobic)

17 Protein Structure Macromolecules that contain nitrogen as well as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Polymer of molecules called amino acids. More than 20 different amino acids are found in nature. All identical in the region where they will bond.


19 How amino acids are different
Side chain called an R-group. Some are acidic and some are basic. Some are polar some are nonpolar. Some contain carbon rings.

20 3D Protein Structure Shape of protein depends on interactions among the amino acids. The number of amino acids in a chain and the order in which the amino acids are joined define the protein’s primary structure.

21 Secondary Structure Amino acid chain folds into a unique 3D shape.
HELIX PLEATED SHEET Held together by hydrogen bonds.

22 Tertiary Structure The final globular shape that the protein takes.
Determined by the interactions of the side chains (R-groups) in the protein.

23 Testing for Presence of Protein
Biuret test

24 Dehydration Synthesis
Removing Water Synthesis Putting Together

25 Sugar Molecules Bonding
Bond forms where an OH group is present OH combines with the H from the other OH 2 Molecules then joined through the remaining O

26 Products of Dehydration Synthesis
Disaccharide Two simple sugars (Maltose) Polysaccharide Long chains of repeating sugar units

27 Hydrolysis Bond between two simple sugars is broken
Original OH groups are restored

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