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Neighbourhood Plans Matthew Neal.

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1 Neighbourhood Plans Matthew Neal

2 Statistics Within the Core Strategy, the hierarchy of settlements is Stratford Town, 8 Main Rural Centres and 45 Local Service Villages (54 total). These are the settlements deemed as ‘sustainable locations’ for development. Of these 54 communities: 35 have approved designated neighbourhood areas 2 NDPs have now been ‘made’ (adopted) – Long Compton, Kineton

3 ‘Made’ NDP’s Long Compton – scheme at Weston Court for 9 dwellings currently under construction and first example in the District of a site specifically allocated for a local needs community-led housing scheme through a NDP. Kineton – Planning application currently with SDC for consideration for 8 dwellings on a site at Little Kineton adjacent to the sports club. The site was one of four allocations in the Kineton NDP.

4 Other NDP’s 1 has recently passed referendum and will be adopted on 17 July – Salford Priors 1 has its referendum this Thursday (29th) and will be adopted on 17th July – Bidford-on-Avon 3 further NDPs have passed examination and are to be reported to Cabinet to receive endorsement to proceed to referendum – Wootton Wawen, Welford- on-Avon and Snitterfield

5 Other NDP work 1 NDP is currently at Examination – Wilmcote & Pathlow
1 NDP is at Regulation 16 (formal submission) consultation – Stratford-upon-Avon 6 are between Regulation 14 (pre-submission) and Regulation 16 consultation 3 are very close to being in a position to commence the Regulation 14 consultation

6 Other NDP work 1 NDP is currently at Examination – Wilmcote & Pathlow
1 NDP is at Regulation 16 (formal submission) consultation – Stratford-upon-Avon 6 are between Regulation 14 (pre-submission) and Regulation 16 consultation 3 are very close to being in a position to commence the Regulation 14 consultation

7 NDPs – Pro’s and con’s Due to the distribution criteria set out in Policies CS.15 (Distribution of Development) and CS.16 (Housing Development) of the Core Strategy, settlements below LSV level are not listed as sustainable locations for new development, although there is scope for small-scale community-led housing schemes through Policies CS.15 and AS.10 (Countryside and Villages).

8 NDPs – Pro’s and con’s Given that NDPs are meant to plan positively for development and ‘add value’ to the Core Strategy (in other words allocate development over and above that proposed through the Core Strategy) and there is no pressure for development to meet District wide needs in the smaller villages below the LSV threshold, neighbourhood plans may not necessarily be the right ‘tool’ for a community to promote local schemes or projects.

9 NDPs – Pro’s and con’s Communities need to consider:
What do they want the Plan to achieve? Does the Core Strategy already cover the issues satisfactorily? Do you have the resources, volunteers and time to produce a NDP? (potentially 2 to 3 year commitment end to end)

10 NDPs – Pro’s and con’s A NDP provides an opportunity for local communities to directly shape development of their local area and set priorities for affordable housing provision but it must not conflict with strategic policies of the Development Plan (NPPF, CS, Practice Guidance). However, it must be remembered that there is no requirement for a Parish/Town Council to prepare a NDP.

11 Funding We are now in year three of the Department for Communities and Local Government-funded support programme, worth £22.5 million for Neighbourhood Planning. So far, the Government has awarded over £8 million in grant funding and £3.1 million in technical support to neighbourhood planning groups.

12 Funding Examples of what you can use your grant for:
Developing a website Training sessions for members of the steering group Help with putting together a project plan Undertaking surveys for evidence bas work (relevant for Housing Needs Surveys) Help with developing the evidence base Engaging a planning expert Venue hire, publicity materials, printing and other costs associated with consultation

13 Funding Applications for grant funding are administered by Locality via their ‘My Community’ website. All groups are eligible to apply for total grant funding of £9,000 over the 3 year programme. Further funding is available via the Big Lottery Fund through ‘Awards for All England’ which is a quick and easy way to get small lottery grants of between £300 and £10,000 for grassroots and community activity that aims to improve life for local people and neighbourhoods. It doesn’t have a deadline and you can apply at any time. The grant can be used for community projects and pay for professional fees.

14 Parish Plans If a community conclude that a NDP is not appropriate, a Parish Council could prepare a Parish Plan. This is more projects based, where NDPs are policy based. An up-to-date Housing Needs Survey would provide an excellent evidence base for a project/action in the Parish Plan for a community-led housing scheme. However, it is worth noting that it is not essential to even prepare a Parish Plan to promote small-scale development which would meet a local need.

15 Rural Housing Schemes Whilst Core Strategy Policy CS.15 sets out the distribution strategy for sustainable development, it doesn’t prevent any development in smaller communities below LSV level. Parts E and F of the policy state that small-scale community-led schemes which meet a need identified by the local community would be acceptable in principle, on sites within and adjacent to settlements. Policy AS.10 is also relevant in this matter.

16 Rural Housing Schemes Such schemes would need to be based on appropriate and up-to-date evidence such as a Housing Needs Survey. If a community wishes to promote small-scale housing development and there is a recognised need, it is not a prerequisite to prepare a Neighbourhood or Parish Plan. The decision on which route to take would be the decision of the individual community.

17 Rural Housing Schemes However, given that a Neighbourhood Plan is a policy document that undergoes independent examination and once ‘made’ (adopted) forms part of the District’s Development Plan, a policy embedded in a NDP provides certainty for a community-led housing scheme.

18 NDP Advice Should you require any information on Neighbourhood Planning, please contact Matthew Neal, Policy Planner, SDC on or via

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