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Watercolor and ink wash face tutorial

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Presentation on theme: "Watercolor and ink wash face tutorial"— Presentation transcript:

1 Watercolor and ink wash face tutorial
Mrs Ras

2 In photoshop open a new “letter” sized document

3 Find and copy a picture of a face, preferably with good value (it will make it easier on you later)

4 Edit>paste Edit> free transform place your image so that it is touching two sides of the paper

5 Rasterize your layer if you need

6 Using your quick selection tool (or any other method of selection you prefer) select the background

7 Select>inverse so that you are now selecting the portait

8 While select click the “refine edges” button on the top

9 Increase the feather decrease the sift edge and Output to: new layer with mask then click ok

10 Edit> adjustment> black and white play with the sliders so that your get the most value and drama

11 Edit adjustment> curves or bright and contrast enhance the value

12 Add a new layer

13 Use the eye dropper tool and enhance the value by painting
Use the eye dropper tool and enhance the value by painting. Exaggerate things … it will look funky that is ok!

14 Use burn and dodge tool enhance lights and darks so more!

15 Merge the face layer and new painted layer

16 right click on face layer and duplicate layer

17 select the top layer Filter>filter gallery use sumi-e or watercolor

18 toggle off the filtered face layer and choose the other face layer

19 Now image> adjustment and polarize use only 3 to 4 colors

20 using your magic wand tool select the white area around the head

21 while selected paint in with black or dark gray leaving a small gradient near the face

22 make sure the bottom polarized face is selected and click on the “add vector mask” at the bottom of the layer box

23 click in layers, the white box next too the face and then click the color range box above

24 click on the black area of the face and then click ok (this will make a mask of those shapes)

25 Now Toggle off that layer and add new layer below This is where you are going to be collaging together watercolor blots and splashes

26 Find colored watercolor splatters and copy and paste them

27 Paste into photoshop free transform to scale use magic want tool to select the white

28 Delete selected white area

29 Keep copying,pasting and collaging paint splaters

30 Merge together all paint splatter layers

31 toggle on the face layer with mask

32 select the face and then change layer mode to screen

33 if you want: toggle on the top face layer

34 change layer mode to color dodge or multiply and change opacity of the layer

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