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Signal processing.

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Presentation on theme: "Signal processing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Signal processing

2 Example data – ChIP-Seq

3 Gaussian peak with normal noise
Frequency Frequency Frequency

4 Removing High Frequences

5 Smoothing w=ones(2*width+1,'d') convolve(w/w.sum(),y,'valid‘)
Intensity w=ones(2*width+1,'d') convolve(w/w.sum(),y,'valid‘) Frequency Frequency Frequency

6 Peak Finding The derivative of a function is zero at its
minima and maxima. The second derivative is negative at maxima and positive at minima.

7 Detection of steps Motivation: To demonstrate a general strategy for
Intensity Motivation: To demonstrate a general strategy for separating signal from noise: Characterize the signal and the noise Make a model of the data Select detection method Select parameters using simulations

8 Detection of steps: Characterization of noise
Remove signal by subtracting a moving average

9 Detection of steps: Model of data
S/N=0.75 S/N=1 S/N=2 points=1000 x = linspace(-1,1,points) y=noise*random.normal(size=len(x)) y[points/2:]+=signal

10 Detection of steps: Detection method
S/N=0.75 S/N=1 S/N=2 Steps can be converted into peaks by calculating the difference between the moving average in two windows

11 Detection of steps: Detection method
S/N=0.75 S/N=1 S/N=2 Bin size = 10 Average Intensity Average Intensity Average Intensity Bin size = 30 Average Intensity Average Intensity Average Intensity Bin size = 100 Average Intensity Average Intensity Average Intensity

12 Detection of steps: Simulations - peak location
S/N=0.05 S/N=0.25 S/N=1 Bin size = 10 Bin size = 30 Bin size = 100

13 Detection of steps: Simulations – correct peak
S/N=0.05 S/N=0.25 S/N=1 Bin size = 10 Frequency Frequency Frequency Score Score Score Bin size = 30 Frequency Frequency Frequency Score Score Score Bin size = 100 Frequency Frequency Frequency Score Score Score

14 Detection of steps: Simulations - FDR and FNR
S/N=0.05 S/N=0.25 S/N=1 Bin size = 10 False Rate False Rate False Rate Threshold Threshold Threshold False Negative Rate Bin size = 30 False Rate False Rate False Rate False Discovery Rate Threshold Threshold Threshold Bin size = 100 False Rate False Rate False Rate Threshold Threshold Threshold

15 Peak Finding Characterize the signal and the noise
Intensity Characterize the signal and the noise Make a model of the data Select detection method Select parameters using simulations

16 Peak Finding: Characterizing the noise
Intensity Let’s first try without removing the peaks

17 Peak Finding: Characterizing the noise
Removing the peaks by looking for outliers in the root mean square deviation (RMSD) Intensity RMSD

18 Peak Finding: Characterizing the peaks

19 Peak Finding: Model of data
S/N=1 S/N=2 S/N=4 points=1000 x = linspace(-1,1,points) y=noise*random.normal(size=len(x)) y+=signal*gaussian(x,0,0.01)

20 Peak Finding: Detection method
S/N=1 S/N=2 S/N=4 Peaks can be detected by finding maxima in the moving average with a window size similar to the peak width

21 Peak Finding: Detection method – moving average
Signal Bin size = 5 Bin size = 20 Bin size = 80 S/N=1 S/N=2 S/N=4

22 Peak Finding: Detection method – RMSD
Signal Bin size = 5 Bin size = 20 Bin size = 80 S/N=1 S/N=2 S/N=4

23 Peak Finding: Information about the Peak
maximum mean variance skewness kurtosis full width at half maximum (FWHM) Intensity height centroid (mean) area

24 Information about a Peak
A peak is defined by Centroid or mean To calculate any of these measures we need to know where the peak starts and ends.

25 Where does a peak start and end?

26 Estimating quantity Peak height Peak height Curve fitting
Intensity Peak area m/z

27 What is the best way to estimate quantity?
Peak height - resistant to interference - poor statistics Peak area - better statistics - more sensitive to interference Curve fitting - better statistics - needs to know the peak shape - slow

28 Sampling Intensity Retention Time

29 Sampling

30 Summary Fourier transform - transformation to frequency space and back
Signal – how do we detect and characterize signals? Noise – how do we characterize noise? Modeling signal and noise Simulation to select thresholds and select parameters Filters – fitering by low-pass (i.e. smoothing) and high-pass filters (e.g. adaptive background correction) Detection methods based on moving average and RMSD Convolution - describes the response of a linear and time-invariant system to an input signal Cross-correlation is a measure of similarity of two signals Autocorrelation can be used for finding periodic signals obscured by noise The dot product can be used to determine how similar two signals are Coincidence measurements enhance the signal and supresses noise The quantity associated with a peak – height and area Sampling – how often do we need to sample a peak to get a good estimate of its area?

31 Peak Finding Examples

32 Peak Finding Example 1 RMSD Window Size 40 80 160

33 Peak Finding Example 1 RMSD Window Size 40 80 160

34 Peak Finding Example 1 RMSD Window Size 40 80 160

35 Peak Finding Example 1 RMSD Window Size 40 80 160

36 Peak Finding Example 1 Smoothing Window Size 40 80 160

37 Peak Finding Example 1 Smoothing Window Size 40 80 160

38 Peak Finding Example 1 Smoothing Window Size 40 80 160

39 Peak Finding Example 1 Smoothing Window Size 40 80 160

40 Peak Finding Example 1 Smoothing Window Size 40 80 160

41 Peak Finding Example 2 RMSD Window Size 40 80 160

42 Peak Finding Example 2 RMSD Window Size 40 80 160

43 Peak Finding Example 2 RMSD Window Size 40 80 160

44 Peak Finding Example 2 RMSD Window Size 40 80 160

45 Peak Finding Example 2 Smoothing Window Size 40 80 160

46 Peak Finding Example 2 Smoothing Window Size 40 80 160

47 Peak Finding Example 2 Smoothing Window Size 40 80 160

48 Peak Finding Example 2 Smoothing Window Size 40 80 160

49 Peak Finding Example 2 Smoothing Window Size 40 80 160

50 Peak Finding Example 3

51 Peak Finding Example 4

52 Peak Finding Example 5

53 Homework: Background Subtraction
Using Smoothing

54 Extra Homework

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