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Standard Deviational Model (SDE) for the Analysis of Dengue Fever Case in Banjar City, Ciamis District.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard Deviational Model (SDE) for the Analysis of Dengue Fever Case in Banjar City, Ciamis District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard Deviational Model (SDE) for the Analysis of Dengue Fever Case in Banjar City, Ciamis District

2 Background Dengue Fever Disease is still regarded as an endemic disease in Banjar City. Information is still required to map dengue fever case distribution, mean center of case distribution, and the direction of dengue fever case dispersion in order to support the surveillance program in the relation to the vast area of the dengue fever disease control program. The objective of the research is to obtain information regarding the area of dengue fever disease distribution in Banjar City by utilizing the Standard Deviational Ellipse (SDE)

3 Method The research is an observational study with Explanatory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA). ESDA method of calculating the spatial aspects of using spatial analysis tools that Geographic Information Systems (GIS)* Data analysis uses SDE model with the scope of the entire sub district area in Banjar City. The data analyzed is dengue fever case from the period of , as many as 315 cases *(Anselin & brittle, 1992, Bailey, 1992; Goodchild, 1992; Fortheringham & regerson, 1993: Mazinga, 2008).

4 SDE (Standard Deviation Ellipse) derived from a bivariate distribution.
There are two interesting points about the distribution of point location in space of two dimensions: (1) centralization (central tendency) and (2) the spread (dispersion). Central tendency and dispersion is the mean center refers to the spread of the mean center of the ellipse bounded



7 Result and Discusion In 2007 there were 14 cases of dengue incidence in Banjar, which spread over the northern part of Banjar. 14 cases are divided into two main groups are separated by a hills and rivers. The first group/kelompok (9 cases of DHF) is located further than the second group (5 cases of DHF).

8 In 2012 there were 44 cases of dengue incidence in Banjar, which are mostly in the central part of the west to the town of Banjar, and a small spread in the northern and eastern part of Banjar

9 Conclusion The SDE model can be used to discover dispersion patterns and directions of dengue fever cases, therefore dengue fever disease control program can be conducted based on local-specific information, in order to support health decision

10 Acknowledge The Head of Research and Development of the Ministry of Health, Research and Development Loka Ciamis, West Java. The Head of Section and the Staffs who have given the supporting data to conduct the research. And DRPM UI.

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