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A Decatarian’s Guide to a Sucessful Case Study

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Presentation on theme: "A Decatarian’s Guide to a Sucessful Case Study"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Decatarian’s Guide to a Sucessful Case Study
How to Ace Your Case A Decatarian’s Guide to a Sucessful Case Study

2 The Four Is Introduce Invert Impress And In Conclusion

3 Introduce Firm Handshake Enthusiasm!
-“I’m really excited to be here/discuss this new idea with you” etc. Ask to take a seat -Rule of 3 Inches (sit only on the first 3 inches of your chair to improve your posture and force you to look engaged and confident) Eye Contact -only look your at judge and your paper *Provide Roadmap -When introducing your case state which performance indicator you’re going to talk about in which order -Use exact words of P.I.s for clarity -You can change order of P.I.s for a logical flow

4 Invert Use D.E.C.A. when responding to a P.I.
Broadest P.I. 1st Narrowest P.I. Last Use D.E.C.A. when responding to a P.I. Define the terms in the P.I. Give an Example Connect it to your solution to the problem in your case Above and Beyond (Wow Factor)

5 Wow Factors Use Jargon (Technical Terminology)
Relate it back to yourself or the real world Visuals (Graphs, Logos, Diagram of Product) A lot of Confidence Change your tone for emphasis Smile and be happy!  Have Pazzaz!! (Remember; the judge sees many presentations of the same case, make yours stand out!)

6 Impress B.E.T. Budget Effective Measurement Timeline
-Use a percentage, ex. 3% of the ________ Budget Effective Measurement -How can you measure the effectiveness of sales, satisfaction? -Surveys/Number of returns etc. Timeline -What are your Major Steps? -When will these take place?

7 And In Conclusion Tell them what you told them (Repeat P.I.s)
Ask if the judge has any questions for you (they will) Confirm Next Steps (I’m going to let you review this… I will be in next week to further disscuss this with you… etc.) Secret to Deca Role Play; -The judge may try to test you with the “serious face” (looking uninterested etc.) -Don’t let it get to you, just keep calm and let it go.

8 Good Luck and Have Fun!

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