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Article I Constitution

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Presentation on theme: "Article I Constitution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Article I Constitution
What does it pertain to?

2 What is Legislative Branch?
Why is it called bicameral? _______________ Which “body” is called the People’s Branch ?_____________________ Why is it called the People’s Branch? __________________________________________________________________________ How does one get to be in the People’s Branch ________________________________

3 People’s Branch aka __________
What is the total membership? _____________ Approximately how many people does one representative represent? ______________ What’s the minimum number of representatives a State can have? __________ What State has the most representatives? ____________________________________

4 People’s Branch What’s the leader of the People’s Branch called? ___________________ Who’s the representative from this area? _________________________ What party is he a member of? ___________ How many representatives does our State have? _____________ Therefore approximately how many residents are there in Ct.? _________________

5 Representative Terms How long can one be a Representative? _____
How long is one term? ________________ How old do you have to be? How long do you have to be a resident of your area? How long a citizen? ___________

6 The Other Branch-sometimes called the Upper Body
What’s it’s name? _____________ How many members? _______________ How is membership divided up?_________ What is the leader of this branch called? ___________________ Who are our members of the Upper Body and what party are they a member of? ___________ _______________ ___________ ________________

7 Getting to be in the Upper Body
How long can one be a member of the Upper body ? _____ How long is one term? ________________ How old do you have to be? How long do you have to be a resident of your area? How long a citizen? ___________ What is a FILIBUSTER? ______________________________________ Originally how did one get to be a member? How is membership in the “club” determined today?

8 Creating the Constitution
What was the New Jersey Plan? What was the Virginia Plan? Which Plan favored highly Populated States? What was the “Great Compromise”? Why are Bills dealing with Taxing and Spending supposed to start in the People’s Body?

9 Once there how does it Operate
Who makes the Rules for the Legislative Branch? Can you get elected and then not allowed to sit in Congress? Once there how do they divide up the work? How is a legislator “assigned” work? How does a bill go from an idea to a piece of legislation?

10 Federalism Article I Section 8
What does the term Federalism mean? How does Art. I Section 8 reflect Federalism? What does Art. 1 Section 8 allow Congress to do other than the Commerce Clause and Necessary and Proper Clause? Why is the Necessary and Proper clause sometimes called the “Elastic Clause”? What is the Commerce Clause and give an example of how its been stretched?

11 Federalism Art. I Section 9
What is the purpose of Article I Section 9? How does that reflect the “limited” powers of Congress? Cite one Clause of the Article I Section 9?

12 Federalism Article I Section 10
What is the purpose of Article I Section 10? How does it reflect Federalism? Cite one Clause of the Article I Section 10?

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