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Terrain Represent the “Surface” of the Earth

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Presentation on theme: "Terrain Represent the “Surface” of the Earth"— Presentation transcript:

1 Terrain Represent the “Surface” of the Earth
Digital Terrain Models (DTM) Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs) Digital Elevation Models (DEM) Bathymetry Elevations of the sea floor SRTM

2 Applications Roads, utilities, canals, housing…
Ecology/Ecosystem Studies Flood Control Agriculture Soil Erosion

3 Data Collection Surveys Shuttle Rader Telemetry Mission (SRTM)
Elevations for the entire world at 30 meters Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Much higher resolution

4 Tools Color ramps: Visualization Hill shades: Backgrounds
“3D” display: Visualization Histogram: How much surface at each elevation range? Contours: Topographic maps Classification: Appropriate uses Slope: How steep? Aspect: Toward the sun? Resample: Reduce artifacts Stream paths View sheds

5 Surveying Differential GPS with Laser measuring GSP Can be < 1 cm
10 to 30 meters

6 GTOPO NASA 30 arc seconds ~ 1 kilometer

7 SRTM Shuttle Radar Telemetry Mission 80% of the Earth’s surface
Vertical Accuracy < 20 meters Horizontal Accuracy < 20 meters Spatial Resolution ~ 30 meters


9 GTOPO To SRTM Image on the left is from GTOPO and is of Guiana, the best resolution we had globally until SRTM NASA

10 - Top image is from SRTM and shows the impact crater of the Chicxulub crater, the lower one shows infrared as red with the capital of the Yucatan as the gray spot

11 St. Helens Crater From SRTM data 3d model with hillshade and colorzing

12 Alaskan Glacier Glacier in Alaska

13 Image on the right shows dark blue for areas below 5 meters above sea level and light blue for areas 10 meters below 10 meters


15 ETOPO – Global Relief 1 arc-minute ~ 2 kilimeters

16 LiDAR Light Distance and Ranging

17 LiDAR Lower Newton Creek


19 LiDAR and Photography

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