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Snakes and Ladders Game

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1 Snakes and Ladders Game
Snakes and Ladders is a game of morality that originated in India. The squares occupied by the bases of the ladders represent various types of good, while the squares with the heads of snakes represent the evils in life. Find a group to play with. To decide who goes first, have each player roll the dice. The person who rolls the highest number gets to go first. Starting from bottom left-hand corner of the board, move your game piece the same number of spaces as the number on the dice you rolled. You will be moving your game piece horizontally from row to row, across the board until you reach the center of the top level on of the board, representing Nirvana, or Heaven. WATCH OUT FOR THE SNAKES!!!!!!! There are features that can help you reach Nirvana more quickly or make your journey more difficult. If you land on the head of a snake, you have to slide all the way down it’s body, stopping on the square inhabited by the tip of it’s tail. The ladders will help you in your journey to Nirvana! Every time you land on a square with the base of a ladder in it, you may automatically climb the ladder until you reach the top of it!

2 Hinduism and Buddhism

3 Hinduism Dates ALLLLL the way back to 5000BCE
Polytheistic: belief in many gods Hinduism is the oldest world religion No single founder (creator) Developed through an explanation of the Vedas Four collections of sacred writings Sacred means holy

4 Belief in the Brahman, a universal soul that fills everything
The life force (God) has many faces Brahma: creator Vishnu: protector Shiva: destroyer Goal: Soul will eventually unite with the Brahman Soul must be reincarnated several times before this happens Reincarnation: cycle of life, death, and rebirth; REBIRTH Karma: good or bad force created through life actions

5 Unique practices… Hinduism
Freedom to choose gods that are worshipped Yoga: mental and physical exercises to unite the soul and body (focus on meditation) Festivals: brings together religion and celebrations including dancing, music, etc… Sacred animals: cow is viewed as sacred (provider of food and labor) CANNOT eat cows

6 Caste System: social classes within Hinduism
Brahmin : priests Kshatriya: warriors and administrators Vaistrya: farmers, merchants, artisans Sudras: servants,laborers

7 Buddhism

8 Siddhartha Gautama An Indian Prince born in the 6th century BCE who wondered about suffering and death. Founder of Buddhism

9 After searching for answers, he prayed under a tree (49 days) and found enlightenment (widsom)
Achieved an understanding of suffering in the world

10 Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path
Everything in life is suffering and sorrow. The cause of all suffering is the desire for pleasure. To end suffers end desire. To overcome desire follow the Eightfold Path (right behaviors, mindfulness, concentration, views)

11 Other Beliefs 1. Belief in reincarnation 2. Belief that nothing is permanent – the world keeps being created and destroyed – this must be realized. 3. Dharma – important moral views 4. Rejects idea of many gods 5. Rejects the caste system

12 Hinduism Buddhism Founder Major Beliefs God/Gods Customs/Practices Sacred Writing Areas of Concentration

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