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Retirement Village for the Elderly

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Presentation on theme: "Retirement Village for the Elderly"— Presentation transcript:

1 Retirement Village for the Elderly
1J GROUP 2 Teacher Mentor: Mr. Jai Singh Done By: James Lao (Group Leader) Joshua C Navneeth K Lee Vint Ve G. Sureendhar

2 Contents Page Introduction: →Background reading → Choice of topic Methodology: → Survey → Interview Conclusion → Recommendations → Limitations Acknowledgements

3 Introduction - Background Info
Sources: Mainly newspaper and online articles. Background: Singapore has a great number of elderly → Old Folk's Homes are getting choked up Other facilities are not integrated. Successful in other countries.

4 Choice of Topic No retirement villages in Singapore
→ Success of retirement village in other countries Housing for growing elderly population is a key concern More than just a roof over their heads → Enjoyable place to stay Retirement Village in Singapore - is it possible?

5 Methodology - Survey Objectives of Survey: Type of Questions Asked:
→ Identify Needs and Wants → Find Problems faced in daily life Type of Questions Asked: → Their opinions → Obstacles faced in daily life → Looking at specific features which they require → Finding out their preference - Old Folk's Homes/Assisted Living

6 Methodology - Survey Demographics 20 Respondents:
→Mostly males aged 65-70 →Majority in HDB flats Demographics show limitation

7 Results of Survey Support from elderly:
→ Survey shows little or no objection → Shows willingness to support Retirement village

8 Results of Survey Obstacles in Daily life:
→Biggest problem is medical needs, followed by loneliness →Retirement village can solve these

9 Methodology - Interview
Reasons for Interview: Other information needed Gaps of information in survey Scope of Interview: Practical aspects of retirement village Deeper insight into needs and wants

10 Methodology - Interview
Interviewee: Mr. Victor Lao Background of Interviewee: The Interviewee had experience in taking care of the elderly, including caring for his grandparents for many years before moving to Singapore. Choice of Interviewee →Interviewee can fulfil the scope of interview

11 Summary of Interview Key Points: 1. Project is feasible
2. Physical, mental and emotional health is important Care from family should come before Retirement Village.

12 Conclusion 3 Criteria: 1. Need for a retirement village 2. Support for a retirement village 3. Requirements of a retirement village

13 Conclusion Need for Retirement Village: Support of Elderly
→ Yes, ageing population and many obstacles faced by elderly Support of Elderly → Yes, shown from survey Requirements of a Retirement Village → Yes, with support from government

14 Recommendations More research – wider scope
→ How village will look like → Programmes and activities Retirement village in the future

15 Limitations → Survey Sample → Difficulty finding Interviewee → Time Constraints

16 Acknowledgements → Mr. Victor Lao, our interviewee → Mr. Jai Singh and Dr. Raphael, our teacher mentors, for giving us invaluable guidance and support and constructive feedback without which this project would not have been possible. → Our survey respondents → All others who contributed to this project in one way or another


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