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Utilizing Study Spaces on Campus

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1 Utilizing Study Spaces on Campus
Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity Crystal Quater

2 Determining your study style
What type of setting motivates you to study? Quiet or busy? Consider level of noise, distraction, and number of people around Do you study better on your own or in a group with classmates/friends? Avoid your dorm or apartment if possible

3 Tips for any study area Determine what time of the day you are most productive Morning, afternoon, evening? Find a study space that is close to a coffee shop/café Keep your safety in mind when studying late

4 Quiet Places Philosophy Library (no talking or food/drinks allowed)
Doheny Library (especially East Asian) Architecture and Fine Arts Library Science and Engineering Library Law Library VKC Library Accounting Library Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity (Quiet Study Room/Computer Lab)

5 Busy places Leavey Library (basement and floors where talking is generally permitted) Business Library Tutor Campus Center Annenberg lobby Ground Zero Nature’s Brew (off-campus coffee shop)

6 Resources Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity
USC Libraries Hours: Reserving a Room: Uber: Campus Cruiser: USC Bus Schdule:

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