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1 CLASS 31

2 PSYCHOPATHS (continued)
More case studies………… Only in U.S., France, Ontario?

3 Clifford Olson Vancouver, BC

4 Antisocial activities
Arrests for include theft, assault, escape (7 times), rape, dangerous driving At least 11 murders including many children Victims sexually assaulted and mutilated

5 character Early delinquency Social charm Story teller

6 Manipulation Avoids arrest for 11 murders Mocks police until arrest
Manipulates federal government Special privileges in prison “Vacations” to Vancouver

7 Charles Ng Born in Hong Kong Wealthy family Educated abroad
Crimes in California

8 Antisocial activities
Torture and murder of 25 victims Filmed the activities Manipulated Canadian and American justice systems Now on death row

9 Complex cases

10 Luka Magnotta Montreal native Aspired to be a famous model
Instead famous for videos of killing cats

11 Luka Magnotta Killed and butchered his male lover Signs of psychopathy
Also psychotic, narcissistic, sadistic? Lesson: PDs often co-morbid


13 Dr. Robert Hare World’s expert on psychopathy
Read his book: Without a Conscience

14 Measuring Psychopathy
Problem with self-report questionnaires Psychopathy Check List (PCL) Special administration Standard instrument across Western world

15 Two factors of psychopathy
Behavioral Factor Anti-social activities Similar to DSM antisocial disorder Personality Factor Cold, callous, no empathy

16 Ordinary Criminal Classic Psychopath Successful Psychopath ?? HIGH
Antisocial Behavior LOW Ordinary Criminal Classic Psychopath Successful Psychopath ?? LOW HIGH Callous Personality

17 Therapy Unsuccessful Even counterproductive Perhaps drug therapies ?

18 What to do with psychopaths?
High probability of harm to society Unlikely to report to clinicians Unlikely to be rehabilitated Lock them up and throw away the key? Scenario in movie Minority Report

19 Writing assignment # 4 Write on a person you know with a mental illness. No names. Use course terminology. How did people around that person react? Send to: Include your name, student ID Future plans in psychology?

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