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DAFNE Computing and Network

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1 KLOE @ DAFNE Computing and Network
CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

2 INDEX DAQ and OFFLINE requirements Computing and Network
Physics at KLOE The KLOE detector DAQ and OFFLINE requirements Computing and Network Design Strategy Achievements Present Status Archiving Hardware and Software Database Software Present status CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

3    Physics at a f - Factory At full Luminosity 51032 cm -2 s -1
8.5x KLKS 1.2x K+K- ~ f0 g,a0 g 2.5x108 , 2.5x hg, h’ g At full Luminosity 51032 cm -2 s -1 in 1 Year Measure all the relevant CP CPT violation parameters from INTERFEROMETRY and DOUBLE ratio Kaon form factors, Ks rare decay and Ks semileptonic asimmetry (never measured) Radiative f decay  investigation of the f0 , a0 nature & precise determination of BR(f h’g)/ BR(f hg) CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

4 The double ratio method @ KLOE
The traditional way to measure direct CP violation is through the double ratio: R = = 1+6(e/e) where: N(KLp+p-)/N(KSp+p-) N(KLp0p0)/N(KSp0p0) observed measured I(l) = decay intensity g(l-l) = experimental resolution NKK= Lint  sfBR(fKSKL) NKK & etag drop out identically in the double ratio @KLOE we are aiming for: d  (e/e) ~ dR ~ few 10-4 CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

5 Statistics The double ratio The goal for KLOE is to measure e/e to ~10-4 Since: R 1+6 e/e 4106 KL  p0p0 events are required, corresponding, with KLOE FVs and tags efficiencies to ~ 2 years of data taking @ L=51032cm-2s  41010f CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

6 With a Luminosity L = 5x1031 cm-2s-1
FIRST PHYSICS With a Luminosity L = 5x1031 cm-2s-1 Our first goal is to collect 100 pb-1 of data ( 3x108 F), which should allow the following physics results: Measurement of  (e/e) to 10-3 statistical accuracy; Measurement of K3 form factors; Meas. of BR(f  f0g  p0p0g) to 5 better accuracy; Confirmation of f  a0g  hp0g and measurement of its BR to  5 better accuracy. Now 4x1030 CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

7 Typical e+e - general purpose detector
The KLOE Detector KLOE Typical e+e - general purpose detector ~5 m diameter & ~4 m length Beryllium Beam pipe (radius >16 lS) Two Quadrupole triplets Calorimeters (32 PMs) Helium Drift Chamber (12,582 Sense Wires) Lead-Scintillating Fiber Calorimeter (4,880 PMs) Superconducting Coil of 0.6 T CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

8 The Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Requirements  Determine the vertex of KL,S neutral decays with an accuracy of few mm  Have an high discriminant power on neutral modes K02p0 and K03p0  Provide a fast and unbiased First Level Trigger  Provide useful information for particle identification 1.2 mm Lead 1.35 mm 1.0 mm 52.5 cm 15X0 450 cm Solution Fine sampling lead/scintillating fibers calorimeter Volume Ratio Fiber:Lead 50:50 Energy sampling fraction: 13 % Good energy resolution (~5% / Ö E (GeV) ) Fully efficient in the range MeV Excellent time resolution (~70ps / Ö E (GeV) ) Determination of g conversion point with ~1cm accuracy Hermetic (rejection of ~10-4 on KL ® 6g ) Fast triggering response to suppress the 20 KHz Bhabha rate CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

9 The Drift Chamber Requirements Solution
 High and uniform track reconstruction efficiency  Determine the KL,S vertex with an accuracy of 200 mm x 1mm  Good momentum resolution (dp/p 0.5% ) for low momentum tracks  Transparent to low energy g (down to 20 MeV) and KL,S regeneration Solution High homogeneity, isotropy, large volume (f ~4 m, L~3.3 m, wires). All Stereo layers with constant stereo drop =1.5 cm,  =  (60150) mrad 12 layers of inner 2x2 cm2 cells  46 layers of outer 3x3 cm2 cells Helium (90%He-10%iC4H10 ) gas mixture Al(Ag) 80 mm field wires, W(Au) 25 mm sense wires, X0(gas+wires)=900 m Very thin walls: mechanical structure entirely in C-fiber/epoxy (  0.1 X0 ) CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

10 DAQ handles ~ 23000 FEE channels
on 2.5 kHz f + 5 kHz bckg Signal conversion/digitization in 2 ms Dead time 2.2 ms Bandwidth: ~ 50 Mbytes/s (5 Kbyte/ev.) Storage: 200 Tbyte/y Fully tested with peak rates of 10 kHz in multibunches mode. Tested at maximum required throughput using no zero suppressed calorimeter data Connection to offline world through a switched Gbit/FastEther network CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

11 KLOE Data Taking: Short history
Apr 14th: First collisions Apr 14-May10 Stable data taking in single bunch mode: Φ line-shape scan (30 nb-1) From May 10th collisions in multibunch mode started. Few weeks of parasitic running (30 nb-1) July 30th -Aug 8th our first period of “continuous” data taking. data taking duty cycle > 95 %!! 200 nb-1 collected Parasitic running now CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

ROOT CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

13 COMPUTING & NETWORK requirements
Acquire up to 50 MB/s (10 kHz) in about 1 hour runs (200 GB & files) Online monitoring for DANE conditions (beam shape, luminosity, background) Detector conditions (hot/dead channels, efficiencies) Need fast event selection and reconstruction of event samples 600 SpecInt95 Archive raw data on tape but keep data on disk to allow for first reconstruction Disk space > 10 TB Offline reconstruction at 10 kHz and concurrent re-processing /analysis Archive/recall bandwidth up to 200 MB/s, 6000 SpecInt95 Network Efficient TCP/IP transport Efficient access to remote disk (NFS) CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

14 SOFTWARE DESIGN Multi-platform environment Online
in-house development starting from scratch (C) (no OO) experts people for initial design Offline in-house development (Fortran) CERN & FERMILAB tool Archiving/Backup/HSM First tests on Legato/Fatmen/Shift ADSM adopted Database HepDB for calibrations constants IBM DB2 RDBMS for detector maps, run conditions, acquired /analyzed file status Move to commercial software when it exists at convenient price CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

15 COMPUTING & NETWORK acquisitions plans
< 1997 Online development using available CPUs for evaluation FDDI chosen for Detector and Online Farm interconnections (switch available) Online & Offline development on multi-platform environment 1997 CPUs in VME crates for detector readout 1/10 Online Farm 1998 Full Online Computing power 1/10 Offline Computing power Tape Library & 100 TB tapes Network switches Complete Offline Computing power, more tape drives, up to 1 PB (?) on tape CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

=> General requirements about OS & Compilers (a given # of Spec) => Network capabilities => Reduced # of nodes (no PCs) due to - short manpower - high reliability required to simplify management => Final choice according with - technical constraints - available expertise & price DEC ALPHA based for VME crates IBM servers for Online SUN servers for Disk serving and Offline Xylan switches for Networking IBM library for Archiving ‘97 (7 servers) ‘98 (12 servers) installed in ‘99 All running now Tapes ( 8 TB + 5 TB, ESP in Nov) CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

17 KLOE Computing Network
FDDI/Ether. Hubs Gbit and Fast Ether. switches Xterminals @ Control room Eth. FDDI Detector Readout & Controls Fast-Ethern. Offline Farm Gbit-Ethern. Tape & Disk servers FDDI Switch FDDI Eth. Gbit-Ethern. Fast-Ethern. Run Control Slow Control servers Online Farm @ Computing room LNF Network CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

DETECTED SET Slot/ Intf Auto- negotiate Line Speed Duplex Mode Line Speed Duplex Mode Xylan #1 3/ enabled FULL-D auto auto SUN 3/ disabled HALF-D half-d NCD Xterm 3/ enabled FULL-D auto auto TEK Xterm 4/ enabled FULL-D full-d SUN 5/ disabled FULL-D full-d IBM 5/ disabled FULL-D full-d 6/ disabled FULL-D full-d IBM Xylan #2 2/ disabled FULL-D full-d 2/ disabled FULL-D full-d IBM 3/ disabled FULL-D full-d DEC CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

26 can be installed KLOE IBM 3494 Tape Library with 5,500 slots redundancy, high reliability, 6 (=>12) drives 3590E 20 (=>40) GB Up to 30 MB/s disk <=> tape each server Two servers 1/2 library each H50 4-way 1GB 72GBdisk H50 4-way 1GB 72GBdisk Switched Gbit-Ethernet - Recalled areas NFS v3 exported Up to 9 MB/s disk <=> tape SUN3500 2-way 1GB SUN3500 2-way 1GB SUN 500GB Working areas NFS v3 exported Offline Farm Online Farm 350 GB Switched Fast Ethernet CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

20 ADSM: BACKUP & HSM KLOE IBM 3494 Tape Library with 5,500 slots
redundancy, high reliability, 6 (=>12) drives 3590E 20 (=>40) GB H50 4-way 1GB 72GBdisk H50 4-way 1GB 72GBdisk HSM run & DANE conditions Scheduled ADSM backup Online backup using ADSM policies DB server active DB server standby RUN server FARM ADSM clients Mirrored OS & Database CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

21 ADSM: MULTISERVER Using server-to-server connection
KLOE IBM 3494 Tape Library with 5,500 slots redundancy, high reliability, 6 (=>12) drives 3590E 20 (=>40) GB Import from node (2) 11.5 MB/s H50 4-way 1GB 72GBdisk H50 4-way 1GB 72GBdisk Two phases Using server-to-server connection Switched Fast-Ethernet Migration of 11,000 files (1600 GB) in 60.5 hours <==> 7.3 MB/s F50 4-ways Export to node (1) LNF IBM 3494 Tape Library with 220 slots 2 drives GB CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

22 DATABASE SYSTEM DAQ configuration run conditions
acquisition electronics configuration run logger general description of runs mapping between detector & DAQ channels file logger description & attributes of raw & reconstructed data files => granularity at run level slow control logger detector and DANE parameters 2.5 KB/ run => several rows per run CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

very well supported in multiplatform environment well interfaced with ADSM dedicated tools simple client-server protocol multithreaded (up to 256 concurrent connections) based on SQL commands preferred over DB2 client-server solution less resources & administration needed more efficient using caches on server CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

24 Tape Library/recalled areas
DATABASE ACCESS: a flowchart Offline farm Tape Library/recalled areas VME-ROCK Rec file Datarec DB Collector Raw file VME Recorder DB Sender L3 filter Receiver Raw file Calib Builder Recorder Online farm CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

26 DATABASE ACCESS CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

Raw & reconstructed data files are archived by dedicated daemons when closed ONLY if they are “declared” in the Database Files in use are “marked” in the Database Files are deleted from disk by dedicated daemons disk space is required not in use but already analyzed, ... Files “analyzed” with a given program version can not been re-archived (program version should change) recall raw s11 1 “(run_nr between 9601 and 9605) and (stream_code = ‘L3BHA’) and (…) ….” CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

28 DATABASE ACCESS List_runs -disk tail 20 List_raws 9859
CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

Using ADSM -API specialized daemons on ADSM and DB2 servers. Offline servers Reconst. Automatically archived recalled Retrieved at request User area Backup vs HSM In progress Online servers Resident daemon for disk space management Reconst. Automatically archived Raw files From DAQ & filters Run & slow & DANE controls History files. HSM CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

30 We have successfully tested
Conclusions We have successfully tested Our detector performances Our trigger and DAQ reliability Our online monitoring Our archiving/backup/HSM & Database systems Our reconstruction and filtering procedures Using powerful CPU servers that offer high reliability at relatively low cost short manpower but > 1700 SpecFp95 running Data reconstructed at 3-4 kHz Stable high bandwidth network Commercial software for Tape library management and Database NIM software for IBM software installation, in-house utilities for system and production management CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

31 Candidate     p+p-  M =498 MeV M’=908 MeV E = 57 MeV

32 The Electromagnetic Calorimeter: Time performances
s(mip)  300 ps OutsideInside & Inside  Outside muon nicely recognized (used to rejet comsic rays) Outgoing m T5 5 4 3 2 1 Ingoing m T1 T1 T1-T5 (ns) T1 b b = L/(T1-T2) T1 Fit b vs p distribution Check the m mass L T2 p (MeV/c) (DC) CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

33 Bhabha momentum resolution
The Drift Chamber: Performances on bhabha and F Bhabha momentum resolution Ks+- s ~ 1 MeV s/ P ~ 0.4% Mks(MeV) CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

34 LDAFNE = 51032 cm -2 s -1 DAFNE: Design strategy
L VEPP-2M = 51030 cm-2 s-1 “conservative” single bunch approach: L0 (single bunch) ~ L VEPP-2M but large number of bunches L DAFNE = nbunches  L0 nbunches 120 Þ Two Separate Rings CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

35 Permanent Magnet QUADRUPOLES
QCAL 45 cm 0.5 mm Be Permanent Magnet QUADRUPOLES Instrumenting the Quads improves the rejection of KL p0p0p0 by a factor of 5 Timing has been set. It helps to reject machine background CERN HEP-CCC Nov 12’ Maria Lorenza Ferrer (LNF-INFN)

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