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1 Research4Life Programmes/ E-Resources Overview (Basic Course: Module 1)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License 04 July 2017

2 Table of Contents Brainstorming Questions
Background – Research4Life Programmes (HINARI, AGORA, OARE, ARDI) Research4Life Do’s and Don’t’s Technical Requirements for HINARI E-Resources Types of Journals Journal Impact Factor 04 July 2017

3 Brainstorming Questions (discussion)
What information/data do you need to do your work more efficiently/effectively? Where do you look for the above information? Are you satisfied with the quality/quantity of information available? 04 July 2017

4 For further information on all four programs, go to the url listed at the top of this slide. Each program has the same eligibility but your institution must register for each program separately. 04 July 2017

5 Goals of Research4Life Programmes (R4L)
To connect developing world researchers with the international scientific community To reduce the ‘publishing gap’ and improve the quality of locally produced articles and journals Ultimately – improve health, food security environment, and development in relation to U.N.’s 2015 – 2300 Sustainability Development Goals Available in 115 countries, areas & territories These goals facilitate two way communication between researchers/publishers in the developed and developing world. 04 July 2017

6 Primary Target Audiences
Eligible categories of institutions are: national universities professional schools (medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public health, dentistry) research institutes teaching hospitals government: ministries and agencies national medical libraries locally based non-governmental organizations (NGOs) All permanent and visiting faculty, staff members and students are entitled to access and can obtain the institutional User Name and Password. Recently, eligibility for not-for-profit agencies has been broadened. Those primarily funded by or affiliated with international agencies or non-governmental organizations are not eligible. 04 July 2017

7 Who is eligible for R4L Programmes: 116 - total number of countries/areas/territories
Note the blue for Group A and Orange for Group B. 04 July 2017

8 Eligibility ( ) Countries, areas, or territories with a total GNI above US$ 1 trillion are not eligible for HINARI regardless of other factors 2. Core Offer Group A - Free Access  All countries, areas, or territories fulfilling any of the below criteria: a. UN Least Developed Country List and/or b. Human Development Index (HDI) is at or less than 0.50 and/or c. Total Gross National Income (GNI) is at or less than US$ 150 billion where: HDI is at or less than 0.63 and/or Gross National Income per capita (GNIpc) is at or less than US$ 1600 Initially, the GNI levels were $1000 for Group A and $ for Group B. In 2008, these levels were increased to reflect inflation since the beginning of the programmes in In January 2012, the human development index has been added. Consequently, 17 countries moved from Group B to Group A. In 2015, the Group B annual fee was increased from $1000 to $15000 per institution. The one fee will grant access to all R4L programmes registered for – although each institution must register individually for the four programmes. . 04 July 2017

9 3. Core Offer Group B - Fee access with $1500 annual fee per institution: a. Total GNI is at or less than US$ 1 billion and/or b. Total GNI is at or less than US$ 20 billion where GNIpc is at or less than US$10,000 and/or c. Total GNI is at or less than US$ 180 billion where: 1. HDI is at or less than 0.67 and/or 2. GNIpc is at or less than US$ 6000 04 July 2017

10 Partners P Programme Partnersartners Key Publishers Elsevier
Springer Wiley Sage Taylor & Francis Lippincott/Williams & Wilkins BioOne Oxford University Press Nature Publishing Other science/technical/ medical publishers P Programme Partnersartners World Health Organization Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations United Nations Environment Programme World Intellectual Property Organization International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers Yale University Library Cornell University Mann Library National Library of Medicine Information Training and Outreach Centre for Africa Librarians Without Borders®/MLA HINARI is a public-private partnership sponsored by the World Health Organization. Each partner contributes to a different aspect of HINARI. The complete list can be reviewed at The partners meet at regular intervals to determine how the programmes work and develop. Feedback from the participating institutions contributes significantly to the development of the programme: 04 July 2017

11 This is the HINARI Website
This is the HINARI Website. We have also Spanish, French, Russian and Arabic translations. 04 July 2017

12 Hinari Online portal to access information on health and related social sciences Coordinated by WHO and Yale University Currently, more than 6200 registered institutions Offering up to 13,000 journals / 56,000 books / 120 other information resources / 165 publishers' content included [July 2017] 30 publishers: 04 July 2017

13 30 publishers: Note that the initial pages of each programme are similar. This also is true for the Contents pages once you have used the unique User Name and Password for your institution. Remember that each programme that your institution registers for has a unique User Name and password. These User Names and Passwords can be distributed to all staff and/or students at the institution. 04 July 2017

14 AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture)
Online portal to access information on agriculture and related sciences Coordinated by FAO/Cornell University, USA More than 3100 registered institutions Up to 8,200 journals / 22,000 books / 40 other information resources / 85 publishers' content included [July 2017] 30 publishers: 04 July 2017

15 04 July 2017

16 OARE (Online Access to Research in the Environment)
Online portal to access environmental information Coordinated by UNEP/Yale University More than 3000 registered institutions Over 10,000 journals / 22,000 books / 55 other information resources / 80 publishers' content included [July 2017] 30 publishers: 04 July 2017

17 04 July 2017

18 ARDI (Access to Research for Development and Innovation )
Online portal to access development and innovation research; ARDI was launched by the World Intellectual Property Organization in and joined R4L in 2011 Supports researchers in developing countries in creating and developing new solutions to technical challenges faced on a local and global level More than 1000 registered institutions. Up to 7,800 journals; 21,000 books; 25 other resources; 40 publishers’ content [July 2017] 30 publishers: 04 July 2017

19 R4L Resources Usage: Do Share
Institution’s R4L usernames and passwords with: Authorized Users: an institution’s employee, permanent or visiting faculty or student Walk-in Users: anyone who comes to the institution’s premises and is permitted by the institution to access services there Note: Access from remote access is permissible but limited to computers owned personally by employees or by institution As with any resource, there are certain rules for its usage. These rules are similar to what an institution would have with a commercial publisher. ‘Education use’ is the basis of the use of the resources. 04 July 2017

20 Copyright and Fair Use Is the same as typical copyright and fair use principles; it is OK to: Download or print up to 15% of a journal issue or book Use material for educational purposes (course packs or reserves) Make copies for institution members or students Note: Always credit sources 04 July 2017

21 Abuse of Privileges: Do Not
Share usernames and passwords with those from outside the institution Supply documents to individuals or organizations outside the registered institution Charge a fee for supplying documents except to recover cost of printing Use R4L programmes when outside the country 04 July 2017

22 Do Not (continued) Upload or post the material to a publicly available website or elsewhere Post usernames and passwords to websites or blogs that are publically accessible Note: Violations result in the institution or possibly entire country denied access until the problem is resolved. If your institution’s password does not work for several days, it may have been compromised. DO NOT REGISTER AGAIN. Report this to and always including your UserID. 04 July 2017

23 Internet Requirements for HINARI
128 kbps, local area network (LAN), or cable connection required. A hard-wired full-time Internet connection (T1 or better) enables the fastest downloads. Satellite or network connections, though slower, are also adequate. Web Browser - Internet Explorer version 5.0 or Mozilla Firefox 17.0 or any version of Google Chrome 04 July 2017

24 Java You will need Java to view some articles especially in HINARI
Java can be downloaded for FREE from the following website: 04 July 2017

25 Why Use E-Resources? An up-to-date resource Convenience
Extra features—e.g. search facilities, links to other databases, supplementary information Access to a wider range of material than might otherwise be available within the local medical library What type of Information does the Internet contain? Bibliographic Information in the form of Library catalogs Multimedia – Audio, Video and graphical sources of information . Reference tools such as Encyclopedias, Dictionaries , Handbooks and others. Journals, Newspapers & Magazines, and Databases 04 July 2017

26 Electronic Journal Formats
Full-text/whole journal available Electronic version of print Electronic only Partial full-text/selected articles only Table of contents/citations/abstracts only Citations only 04 July 2017

27 Types of Electronic Journals
Academic Refereed journals Review journals Bulletins Non-academic Magazines Newspapers 04 July 2017

28 Refereed journals Example: JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association Used to: disseminate research findings find out about research by others in your field identify methodologies for your own work Features written by researchers and experts aimed at researchers and experts articles always cite sources peer reviewed Strengths/weaknesses high-quality, reliable information may be slow to be published due to review process often fee-based access/may be available via HINARI Electronic academic journals are nearly the same as traditional print academic journals that we are all familiar with and serve the same purposes of disseminating information, etc. The electronic medium does give the chance of journals getting a much wider audience plus includes enhanced tools such as including hypertext links. 04 July 2017

29 This is an example of a peer reviewed/refereed journal
This is an example of a peer reviewed/refereed journal. Note the links to the PDFs of the articles. 04 July 2017

30 Review journals Example: Reviews in Clinical Gerontology Features:
reviews give an overview of the current literature in a specific research area or discipline titles usually contain ‘Review’, ‘Reviews’, ‘Advances in’, ‘Current opinion in’, ‘Progress in’, ‘Trends in’ have already done much of the literature searching for you may be available via HINARI These kinds of resources are very useful IF there are journals available in your subject area – they often provide an excellent set of links and references to the latest and most important information in a discipline. 04 July 2017

31 04 July 2017

32 Bulletins Example: None – R4L Programmes have Peer Reviewed Journals and Bulletins do not qualify Used for: making announcements to a specific audience up-to-date information in a very specific area Features written by in-house staff, or staff writers may be issued as required, sometimes intermittently contain short reports Strengths/weaknesses very up-to-date standard very variable Useful for keeping up to date with recent developments, what is available, where it can be found, etc. 04 July 2017

33 Non-academic resources
Magazines entertainment, information about popular culture, product information easy to read, entertaining, information is lightweight and not always reliable Newspapers up-to-the minute information, current affairs, debate can be valuable sources of certain kinds of information but inherent problems of all newspapers These kinds of resources may be less relevant to those in need of health information but are still worth knowing about. Research4Life offers indexed, scientific, peer-reviewed literature. "Grey literature" is not included:  thesis, reports from international, governmental and non-governmental agencies plus bulletins, magazines and newspapers.  04 July 2017

34 Journal Impact Factor calculated yearly for journals indexed in Thomson’s Journal Citation Reports  is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to articles published in science and social science journals used as a measure for the relative importance of a journal within its field; journals with higher impact factors are deemed to be more important than those with lower ones #s vary widely among fields; the ‘narrower’ the field, the lower the impact factor of journals tends to be Many journals list their Journal Impact Factor especially if it is high for their subject group. This is a tool that can be useful for knowing the usefulness of a specific journal. 04 July 2017

35 Impact Factor for a 2010 journal
Is the average number of times published papers ‘are cited’ up to two years after publication A = the number of times articles published in were cited in indexed journals during B = the number of ‘citable items’ published in within a discipline; citable items are usually articles, reviews, proceedings, or notes; not editorials or Letters-to-the-Editor impact factor 2010 = A/B ( published in 2011) 04 July 2017

36 Journal Impact Factor - Issues
percentage of total citations occurring in the first two years after publication varies highly by discipline (higher in biological sciences) citations to an article often are made in papers written by the author(s) of the original article journal can adopt editorial policies that increase its impact factor e.g. editorials (not citable) vs. short original articles (citable); plus review articles are cited more often Impact Factor scores can ‘influence’ promotion and tenure at universities throughout the world 04 July 2017

37 This is the end of the HINARI Basic Course Module 1
There are no exercises for this part of the course. Updated 04 July 2017

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