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The Eight Limbs Manual p.19.

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1 The Eight Limbs Manual p.19


3 Yamas Ethics or ethical constraints Three basic criteria:
1. Are your actions going to cause harm for you? 2. Are your actions going to cause harm to some other being? 3. What is the quality of the intention in the choice you are making?

4 Ahimsa Ahimsa – nonviolence, non harming, in thought, word, and action towards myself or any other.

5 Ahimsa Non harming requires that there be no separation between us and them.

6 Ahimsa “Ongoing war crimes directed by US forces that are depicted without shame on the front pages of the world's popular newspapers, always in self defense against evil forces threatening us with destruction”.

7 Ahimsa Condemning acts as evil does not entail condemning the people who committed them as evil.

8 Ahimsa Journal Questions
In what ways do you create violence with thoughts? Towards yourself? Towards others? How does violence represent in word and action towards yourself and others? In your practice, do you wear down your body, mind, with negative and harmful thoughts about your practice? Where does your anger come from?

9 Satya Satya: truthfulness - honesty, authenticity
Accepting accountability for thoughts, words, actions.

10 Satya We are numb to the suffering of the human and nonhuman world because we keep avoiding our suffering through sensual gratification.

11 Satya “When our lives are motivated by a desire to find security in external objects…we lose touch with the fact that these superficial symbols are only representations of what is important, what needs are such purchases trying to fill”?

12 Satya Journal Questions
Do you exaggerate with words? How do you feel when you speak your truth? When do you feel the most able to be authentic? Is the person you think you are consistent with the person you are presenting to the world? And if not, why not? What changes could you bring to your life to allow the two to be more consistent? Are you wearing masks and playing roles? When do you feel the most able to be your authentic self?

13 Asteya Non stealing, non greediness, non-coveting that which does not belong to us. Not taking what righteously belongs to others, not keeping for thyself when others are in need.

14 Asteya Consumerism does not refer to basic subsistence nor to a general life of enjoyment or pleasure but rather to seeking satisfaction through buying things. When offered fruit, they walked together

15 Asteya Why is it that those who have the least, are the most willing to give away what they have? Orphanage in Thailand

16 Asteya Journal Questions
What do you feel you lack? How would your life change if you had it? Do you feel jealous of things or qualities possessed by others? Do you feel there's enough for all to feel abundance? Can you live completely fair trade for life?

17 Brachmacharya Brachmacharya: chastity - sexual responsibility, right use of energy Moderation in body, mind, speech, conserving energy. Use only what is needed and no more. Putting energy into what we need the most.

18 Brachmacharya Right use of energy in asana?

19 Brachmacharya Sexualisation of Yoga

20 Brachmacharya Journal Questions
What does the balanced path look like to you? How can you exercise moderation in speech (listen more and talk less)? Do you dominate the conversation? Do you do all the talking? How do you spend your energy? And what do you do to replenish yourself?

21 Aparigrapha Aparigrapha: non grasping - self possession, non materialism, possessiveness Not associating yourself with the superficial and material things. Being more than the sum of our possessions. Living simply.

22 Aparigrapha The problem with accumulation is that it is built on the premise that it will provide some kind of security for us now and for future generations.

23 Aparigrapha There is a striking absence of any moral principle governing the distribution of what the economy produces

24 Aparigrapha Journal Questions
Is there something you are saving that you could get rid of? Do you use everything you have and collect? How do you account for your privilege? What is the limit to what we possess?

25 Group Activity 1. Fill in cue cards with top 3 places you received your food from this month. 2. Divide into 5 groups of 3. In light of our conversation and journal questions, write a list of ways that we can change our impact with regards to each individual yama. Areas to consider; A) your life B) Friends/family C) Community

26 Niyamas Sauca Santosha Tapas Svadhyaya Isvara pranidhana

27 Sauca Purity Clean ourselves, become pure so that we know how dirty we are, then can see how dirty others are, then refrain from touching them.

28 Sauca Self observance and ritual cleansing.
Internal is found through practice, diet, breathing. External through bathing, house, surrounding yourself with wisdom.

29 Sauca Journal Discussion
What do you do to tend to the wellness of your body? What do you do to tend to the wellness of your mind? What environments make you feel alive and aware? How does your home environment reflect the state of your mind?

30 Sauca What is one habit you could change to clean the planet?

31 Santosha Contentment Challenge to be content in difficult situations.

32 Santosha Journal Questions
What simple things are you thankful for? What is a tough situation that has helped to mould the person you are today and can you find gratitude for that? When you achieve a desired goal do you take the time to enjoy your accomplishments?

33 Santosha Secret fistpump handshake Hardwiring Happiness

34 Tapas Tapas: heat, ardour - endurance: burning fire
Drive to persevere in the face of adversity. Passion for life expressed as the ability to rise above the perception of existence strengthens the spirit through determination to break down the barriers.

35 Tapas Journal Questions
What situation requires you to demonstrate perseverance to succeed? What are examples of times you let go of someone/something that no longer served you? What are you passionate about? What drives you to do great things?

36 Svadhyaya Svadhyaya: self study - learning,
Life long learning by encouraging practitioners to embody the nature of a child by being open to understanding, hungry for knowledge, excited about learning.

37 Svadhyaya Journal Question
What types of information are you drawn to and do you easily accept new ideas? Is there a book or film idea that has radically changed your ideals?

38 Isvara pranidhana Isvara pranidhana: surrender to god - commitment, devotion Awareness of the divine presence. Seeing the presence of spirit in all things and our connection to the world.

39 Isvara Pranidhana Journal
How can you recognize the divinity in others? What puts you in touch with a greater experience of your own divinity?

40 Asana posture - poise only three versus speak directly to asana

41 Pranayama Control life force – freedom/expansion
instructions are given as to length, number, and retention

42 Pratyahara Sensory withdrawal

43 Dharana Focus: the ability to settle upon a single point,
There is a subject and object, as you the subject are focusing on one single object Candle, mantra, breath, tip of nose, etc.

44 Dhyana Contemplation: to feel single-pointedness, create a sense of attunement with the object

45 Samadhi Integration/Bliss: to feel the subject/object division dissolve, mind becomes still in a trance like state of complete present moment awareness

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