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Why Pain Meds Help Me Susan Hamrick.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Pain Meds Help Me Susan Hamrick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Pain Meds Help Me Susan Hamrick

2 I’ve been in health care since 1974
I have worked in health care since 1974. Lifting patients, pushing wheelchairs and stretchers, pushing 500lb equipment. Add your second bullet point here Add your third bullet point here

3 And I was also expected to get the patient out of the wheelchair and onto a bed.
Until one day, a patient started to fall and I had to catch her. That was the day my neck injury happened.

4 I went to employee health and they told me I was fine and to go back to work.
For the next four years I was told I had bursitis, even though I was complaining of severe neck, shoulder blade pain that went down my arm. They kept telling me to take motrin, that I only had bursitis in the shoulder.

5 I was not sleeping and was in severe pain.
Finally after 4 years, I got my family practice physician to hear me and a CAT scan was ordered. At that point, I had no strength in my left arm and dropped everything I touched

6 When they finished with the CAT scan, suddenly I had folks helping me to get off the table. That was a little strange. A few days later-I got my results. 2 herniated discs.

7 What is a herniated disc?
It is the cushion between the bones. They can push against the spinal cord.

8 I had also developed arthritis and the holes where the nerves come through was also narrowed.
So, I had my first fusion and disc repair. Back to work after that-then the pain never really went away. And in a few years was worse than ever. I was still lifting and pushing equipment and stretchers. A second surgery followed, but it never helped.

9 Between being ignored and dismissing my pain, it was too late for surgery to help me.
I still needed to work and needed a job. Finally I was sent to a pain clinic. Of course I was rather cynical of getting any help, after all-it seemed I was ignored by the other physicians.

10 Talk about being discouraged-I was giving up on a lot of activities I enjoyed.

11 After lots of questions and a physical-they took me seriously
After lots of questions and a physical-they took me seriously. And I got a referral to a Pain Clinic The head of the department is an anesthesiologist. I was able to tell him that a lot of pain meds made me very nauseated or gave me headaches. He and his staff listened to me and really believed me. I’m on gabapentin, a muscle relaxer, amitriptyline and a narcotic. Those meds let me function and do many of the things I used to do.

12 Fast forward a few years
Since my second failed spinal surgery, I’ve also had a bout with breast cancer. Lots more fun to be had, right?

13 I’ve had all of the surgery and reconstruction
Now just to take the maintenance medication While it can keep the cancer from happening again-it’s a tough one to take

14 Post Breast Cancer There are 4 different medications you can take.
Tamoxifen is for pre menopausal The other 3 are for post menopausal women And there can be a lot of side effects from little bothered to a lot

15 Some of the Side Effects

16 Muscle, Joint and Bone Pain

17 Insomnia and Brain Fog

18 Other Side Effects Dry eyes Change in taste Hair loss Nausea
Can increase instances of diabetes

19 And now good news/bad news
The good news is that I am 4 years on Femara and thought I was almost done Bad news is that they just upped it from 5 years to take to 10 years to take The longer I’m on it the bigger the chance I have of having a broken bone because of osteopenia-bone loss. And the effects don’t get any better

20 There are days I don’t need
Pain meds, but there are more days I do If I don’t need them, then I don’t take them

21 A few months ago I was out of town and got sick.
Told them about my history and that I’d had abdominal surgeries They basically ignored me

22 Memorial Day and 3 hours from home
Because I told them I was on pain meds-basically they thought I was a drug seeker I’m writhing in pain and crying-when the ED physician came back in the room, I handed him my credit card and told him to get me a CAT scan now. Got my CAT scan and they were in the room immediately after-oh, I had a small bowel obstruction.

23 Next day I saw a surgeon and asked for something not narcotic.
Toradol is a very strong anti-inflammatory medication and it worked So pain meds aren’t always needed or even work for everyone. I don’t consider myself addicted-just dependent on pain relief to enjoy life like others do.


25 So most days without the pain meds, this is me

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