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The Importance of a Significant Other in Your Business

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Presentation on theme: "The Importance of a Significant Other in Your Business"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Importance of a Significant Other in Your Business
Managing Program Advisor Danny Padgug Proud to have all of you on the team!

2 Who Qualifies as a Significant Other?
Anyone who is important to you in your life and can help your business, either through direct involvement or just support.

3 Attributes a Significant Other May Have:
Encouraging. Patient. Knows when to give a kick in the rear and when to give a pat on the back. Leaves the doors of communication open. Knows when to turn the other cheek. Respects differences and agrees to disagree. Is a shoulder to cry on. Is an advisor to count on.

4 Why Is It an Asset to Have a Significant Other Involved with You in This Business?
Support you in good or bad times. Can offer a different point of view. Supply new ideas. Can share responsibilities. Can duplicate your efforts. Can help you instill self confidence. Help develop a business plan. Establish mutual priorities.

5 Tips to Help Significant Others Work Well Together
Don’t let your business relationship interfere with your personal relationship and vice versa. Show mutual respect. Play to each other’s strengths and embrace individuality. Develop goals and a plan to achieve them, together. Take specific actions to achieve them.

6 TEAM One definition of Team is: Together Each Achieves More

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