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Best Practices for Inclusive Education BPIE Information & Support

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1 Best Practices for Inclusive Education BPIE Information & Support
December 2016 BPIE Survey Link

2 Review and Commendations FY16 SDPBC - BPIE Assessment Completion Rate
100% of SDPBC schools have completed the BPIE Assessment 1st & Highest Completion Rate in the State for Large Urban School Districts 1st School District in the State to Integrate BPIE Priority Goals into School Improvement Plan

3 School Improvement Planning Support
Using FY16 School BPIE Assessment Results within FY17 SIP How to integrate your priority goals into your SIP: identify needs/barriers and resources (step 2) align needs with current SIP strategies (steps 3-4) establish specific measurable action steps (step 5) progress monitor (steps 6-7) Where to turn for support: Department of Exceptional Student Education Office of School Improvement District Priorities School Improvement Priorities Other School- and Community-based Needs

4 SAMPLE Action Steps aligned to Top Selected School BPIE Priority Goals
Indicator # 15: Administrators facilitate job-embedded professional development on inclusive practices for all school personnel. Indicator # 28: General and special education teachers regularly plan together. Action Step Samples Inclusive practices and strategies will be modeled for teachers during instructional blocks. ESE certified teachers will collaborate with classroom teachers before, during and after instruction in planning for and delivering effective and relevant instruction. Principal will conduct a survey to determine staff professional development need. Regional Team ESE Coordinators will support principal in developing a plan to meet staff needs

5 Information & Supportive Resources
Brief presentation about the School BPIE School BPIE Overview Webinar More information about the School BPIE ESE Department School Improvement Florida Inclusion Network Contact Information Dr. Fartun Mohamud, Inclusion Specialist, (561) Sharon Martinez, School Improvement Specialist (561)

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