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Temperature 6.1 Cohick.

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Presentation on theme: "Temperature 6.1 Cohick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temperature 6.1 Cohick

2 Temperature: Is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object.

3 Temperature The more kinetic energy that the particles have, the higher the temperature.

4 Temperature Temperature is not determined by how much substance you have. We measure temperature using a thermometer

5 Temperature Thermal expansion is the increase in volume of a substance due to an increase in temperature.

6 What is the human body temperature in Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin?

7 Temperature Fahrenheit is used most America for weather.
Celsius and Kelvin are used in science. On the Kelvin scale the lowest temperature is 0 Kelvin. It is called Absolute Zero! You can not reach a temperature below –273oC. That became 0 on the Kelvin scale.


9 1. What temperature on the Celsius scale = 375 K?
2. Absolute zero is 0 K. What is the equivalent temperature on the Celsius scale? Fahrenheit? 3. Which temperature is colder, 0oF or 200 K?

10 Problems: Example: =5/9 x (59-32) 590F to 0C =5/9 x 27 0C = 5/9 x (0F – 32) 590F = 150C ***************************************************** Celsius to Fahrenheit Fahrenheit to Celsius 1120C a F 240 C b F 170 C c. –40 F 00 C d F Kelvin to Celsius to Fahrenheit. a. 117 K b. 16 K

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