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NSW Vision and Delivery NSW Department of Planning & Environment

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2 NSW Vision and Delivery NSW Department of Planning & Environment
ePlanning NSW Vision and Delivery Clare Huxley ePlanning Manager NSW Department of Planning & Environment So what is ePlanning? ePlanning refers to the use of electronic processes in delivering planning and development services – such as the online lodgement and tracking of development applications, visualisation tools to improve the understanding of planning policies such as an interactive building; or the viewing of regulations, state and local policies on an interactive map. ePlanning is a key component of the eGovernment agenda in NSW, and the program delivers on the NSW ICT Strategy through the use of open source ICT and the use of open data and standards. Services will become digital by default, significantly reducing costs and shortening waiting time, reducing red tape and transforming the way government engages with, and empowers the community. In June 2014, the NSW Government announced $30 million in funding for the ePlanning program over a two year period - $8.5 million in and $21.5 million in <change screen>

3 What is ePlanning? Online tools and services So what is ePlanning?
ePlanning refers to the use of electronic processes in delivering planning and development services – such as the online lodgement and tracking of development applications, visualisation tools to improve the understanding of planning policies such as an interactive building; or the viewing of regulations, state and local policies on an interactive map. ePlanning is a key component of the eGovernment agenda in NSW, and the program delivers on the NSW ICT Strategy through the use of open source ICT and the use of open data and standards. Services will become digital by default, significantly reducing costs and shortening waiting time, reducing red tape and transforming the way government engages with, and empowers the community. In June 2014, the NSW Government announced $30 million in funding for the ePlanning program over a two year period - $8.5 million in and $21.5 million in <change screen>

4 The ePlanning Journey ePlanning is not new. The state and local government have been working on ePlanning programs for some time. Notes: Go back to 2000 and point out the key programs and not the political landscape. Mention that the benefits accumulate over time – they grow in number and quantity of benefit. When you get to the business case funding in 2013, please make sure you mention that “the business case was for a 2 year program of works, where tools would be implemented in 3 phases. The first phase was launched by the Minister for Planning & Environment, Prue Goward on the 28th July The funding will be used to deliver a range of tools and services, designed to digitise the planning system. This program of work will cover foundation pieces that are key to the success of the program, as well as the delivery of a suite of services and tools.” Duration: spend about 5 minutes on this.

5 Release 1 We recently launched some new tools and this short video provides you with an overview. PLAY IF THE SOUND QUALITY IS GOOD – DELETE IF NOT <play video>

6 The usage stats in the first month
Interactive Buildings Over 4,400 visits to the tool in the first month Residential model is the most popular section of the tool Local Insights ( Over 2,200 visits to the tool in the first month Majority of the searches are within the Sydney metro area Planning Viewer (beta) ( Over 12,000 visits to the tool in the first month Ashfield is the most searched local government area These stats are from the 28th July to 27th August inclusive.

7 The benefits of the program
The benefits of the ePlanning program for key stakeholders include: Reduction of red tape Faster approval process Increased transparency Time and Cost Savings Improved access to information – anywhere, anytime Increased understanding of the planning system Improved forecasting and scenario-based planning

8 What we have learnt The significance of open access to ‘government-held’ data for industry and to inform evidence based planning within government. That there are a number of legal, data, policy and financial hurdles still to overcome. That success is about looking at the various participants in the planning system to see what their needs are and how to best meet those needs. That success can only be achieved through collaboration.

9 What we have learnt …. That Local Government is looking to the State to provide direction on the future of ePlanning and the role Local Government will play. Stakeholders are looking for regular updates to the tools to include additional functionality and integration with other tools and / or other agency processes. There is a need to provide information and tools in languages other than English. Stakeholders want to be able to make payments online.

10 Feedback from stakeholders
“The suite of ePlanning tools are a fantastic initiative by the Department!!!! … Congratulations to the Department for this initiative and for providing the budget to enable Local Government to make this available. Great stuff!!!!” (Junee Shire Council) “Great work - I really like the website and its interface!! Thank you for investing in this service!! Keep the updates coming!!” (Member of the Public referring to Local Insights) “The new planning tools will make planning more accessible for communities, consumers & industry and should make planning faster and easier for all.” (Urban Taskforce) Feedback received from stakeholders during usability testing, briefing sessions and the 8 location ePlanning Roadshow has been very positive. Examples are displayed on the screen. We will be providing a response to the feedback and system enhancement suggestions received at the Roadshows by the end of the month. List of key issues raised by planning professionals, industry and local government

11 Next Releases Release 2 (2015) Release 3 (2016)
<Bring group back to closing address> I hope you enjoyed the opportunity to view the ePlanning tools that were part of Release 1 or existing tools. You may be wondering what is next? <go through the journey map and delivery items for releases 2 and 3. > Mention the benefits as well.

12 Our Future Direction Designed with the user in mind – consistent and seamless Fosters innovation due to the release of government data (Open Data) Increased transparency Improved access to information – anywhere anytime Improved understanding of the planning system Point out the vision for ePlanning.

13 Thank you Access the tools: Thank you once again for your time today.

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