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How to glorify God in marriage Not abstinence, But fulfilment

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2 How to glorify God in marriage Not abstinence, But fulfilment
Part 2 How to glorify God in marriage Not abstinence, But fulfilment

3 Christian Marriage An invitation to die! “I exist for your Godliness”

4 Corinthian vs Christian Mindset
1. Be a Giver, Not a Beggar Men: “As long as needed” Women: “As often as needed”

5 = Or else Satan will turn up
Celibate Marriages? 1.Mutual agreement 2. Temporary 3. To resolve a problem 4. To resume = Or else Satan will turn up

6 A spiritual battleground! Issue: To Glorify God or Glorify Self?
Marriage: A spiritual battleground! Issue: To Glorify God or Glorify Self?

7 A word for widows/widowers:
Good to be unmarried Wrong to have “the look” of contented celibacy but sinning

8 Widows/widowers Don't be concerned about “respectability before men
Widows/widowers Don't be concerned about “respectability before men.” Be concerned about “purity before God”.

9 Unequally yoked: Christian partner must not initiate divorce

10 Unbelieving spouse sanctified?
Vicarious salvation by osmosis or association.

11 Abandoned Christian spouse?
Better to “live in peace” than stay in warring marriage

12 3x = each should retain the place in life that the Lord assigned to him (v17,20,24).

13 The gospel Our spiritual standing before God is NOT dependant our human standing with man.

14 The gospel Not about changing our circumstances but changing our character.

15 Whatever rights we have under God, we don’t have the right to be discontented.
We have the responsibility to be contented as part of our Godliness.

16 We don’t have the right to be discontented: As marrieds, As widowed As abandoned As singles

17 A Word for singles Marrieds face many troubles!

18 Blessings of Singles Undivided devotion to God by not being handicapped by marital responsibilities. Singles – do things and go places which marrieds cannot go!!

19 7:7 = Each has a gift Both singleness and marriage are gifts!

20 Jesus shows up in my marriage, widowhood, engagement & singleness
If Jesus is not Lord of your moments, he is not Lord at all.

21 If Jesus is not Lord of your moments, he is not Lord at all.

22 Blessings of Singles Undivided devotion to God by not being handicapped by marital responsibilities. Singles – do things and go places which marrieds cannot go!!

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