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Contractions S.F. Theory Structures Disorders Misc. 100 100 100 100

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Presentation on theme: "Contractions S.F. Theory Structures Disorders Misc. 100 100 100 100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contractions S.F. Theory Structures Disorders Misc. 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 Constant intensity, full recovery time
$100 Constant intensity, full recovery time

3 $100 Twitch

4 Constant contraction until exhaustion
$200 Constant contraction until exhaustion

5 $200 Complete Tetanus

6 Tension of the muscle while shortening
$300 Tension of the muscle while shortening

7 Isotonic Concentric (need 2 terms for isotonic!)
$300 Isotonic Concentric (need 2 terms for isotonic!)

8 Building intensity, incomplete rest time
$400 Building intensity, incomplete rest time

9 Incomplete Tetanus/Wave Summation
$400 Incomplete Tetanus/Wave Summation

10 Tension without lengthening or shortening the muscle
$500 Tension without lengthening or shortening the muscle

11 $500 Isometric

12 $100 ___ is required to flex myosin heads, 
resulting in an action called _____.

13 $100 ATP; Powerstroke

14 Ion required for muscle contraction
$200 Ion required for muscle contraction

15 $200 Calcium (Ca+2)

16 ____ on actin moves to expose _____ to attract myosin heads
$300 ____ on actin moves to expose _____ to attract myosin heads

17 Troponin; Tropomyosin
$300 Troponin; Tropomyosin

18 Chemical that stops the release of calcium into the muscle fiber
$400 Chemical that stops the release of calcium into the muscle fiber

19 Acetylcholinesterase
$400 Acetylcholinesterase

20 Where calcium goes when reabsorbed off of troponin
$500 Where calcium goes when reabsorbed off of troponin

21 Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
$500 Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

22 $100 Outer muscle covering

23 $100 Fascia

24 Bundles making entire muscle
$200 Bundles making entire muscle

25 $200 Fascicles

26 Surrounds the bundle of muscle fibers
$300 Surrounds the bundle of muscle fibers

27 Perimysium (description was of a fascicle)
$300 Perimysium (description was of a fascicle)

28 $400 Components of fibers

29 $400 Myofibrils

30 Basic functioning unit of muscle
$500 Basic functioning unit of muscle

31 $500 Sarcomere

32 Muscle breaks down, replaced by fat
$100 Muscle breaks down, replaced by fat

33 $100 Muscular Dystrophy

34 Decline in amount of muscle tissue due to disuse.
$200 Decline in amount of muscle tissue due to disuse.

35 $200 Atrophy

36 ACh receptors of face blocked, making expression difficult
$300 ACh receptors of face blocked, 
making expression difficult

37 $300 Myasthenia Gravis

38 Building up of muscle tissue
$400 Building up of muscle tissue

39 $400 Hypertrophy

40 $500 Hurts at night, a general muscle soreness with no direct apparent cause

41 $500 Fibromyalgia

42 In order for ATP to be made, this gas is required
$100 In order for ATP to be made, this gas is required

43 $100 Oxygen (O2)

44 Structure/feature seen where actin attaches to other actins
$200 Structure/feature seen where actin attaches to other actins

45 $200 Z line (Z disc)

46 This chemical builds up if there is no oxygen present
$300 This chemical builds up if there is no oxygen present

47 $300 Lactic Acid

48 Meeting place between nerve and muscle
$400 Meeting place between nerve and muscle

49 Neuromuscular Junction
$400 Neuromuscular Junction

50 Region defined as containing both myosin and actin
$500 Region defined as containing both myosin and actin

51 $500 A band

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