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Home/School Learning Plan

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1 Home/School Learning Plan
What we will be learning about this Autumn Half Term. Please help me at home. We will be practising our favourite Christmas songs for our Christmas performance We will be trying to find our eyes nose and mouth We will be using blocks to create simple structures We will be exploring various new food’s It’s Dark We will be exploring our computers and technology equipment We be talking about the various marks we make We will be making our Christmas cards and calendars

Dear Parent, This year we have planned a trip to Smithills Farm in Bolton for the children in Nursery 3 who are leaving us to move to Reception Class at School. The trip is taking place on Tuesday 30th June. Please note that Nursery 3 will be CLOSED for all children who are not going on the trip. Childcare will not be available for Nursery 3 children on that day.

3 Summer Fair – Saturday 20th June
We will be holding our annual Summer Fair with all the usual fun attractions for the family. More details regarding Donations for the Fair and requests for Parent helpers will follow. School Leavers Trip – Tuesday 30th June The children in Nursery 3 that are leaving for Reception class will be going on a trip to Smithills Farm in Bolton. We will be asking for a donation of £10.00 per child which will include entry to the Farm, all the activites and the transport via Coach. If you wish to pay in installments please see Lesley in the Office. Please note - For the younger children that are not participating in the trip, Nursery 3 will be CLOSED for the morning and afternoon Nursery sessions and for Daycare. A letter will follow with all the details. Sports Days - Tuesday 14th July / Wednesday 15th July / Thursday 16th July The children will be enjoying sports day sessions and parents will be invited to come to watch. The children will be doing sport activities and small races in their groups. Times to be confirmed. Party Days - Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st July All children will be enjoying their End of Term party. There will be fun games and activities and the children will be enjoying a party lunch if they attend in the morning and party snacks in the afternoon. Have your Party Clothes ready

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