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Robert Renner, Office of Policy Development and Research

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1 Robert Renner, Office of Policy Development and Research
7/6/2018 9:38 AM Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Data and Mapping Tool (AFFH-T) Demonstration National Community Development Association Winter Legislative, Policy and Professional Development Meeting February 15, 2017 Robert Renner, Office of Policy Development and Research © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

2 AFFH-T: Overview One of several applications available to the public as part of HUD’s suite of eGIS applications Provides more than 72 maps and tables for over 1,200 Program Participants Future releases will provide maps and tables for over 3,500 Public Housing Agencies as well as States and Insular Areas

3 Data provided in the AFFHT
Demographic Data: Race/Ethnicity, Disability, Foreign Born Population, Limited English Proficiency, Families with Children Socioeconomic Data: Poverty Rate, Racially/Ethnically Concentrated Areas of Poverty Housing Data Assisted Households: Public Housing, Vouchers, Project Based Section 8, Other Multifamily, LIHTC Households with Disproportionate Housing Needs Housing Tenure by Race/Ethnicity

4 Data provided in the AFFHT
Opportunity Indices Block-Group Indices School Proficiency, Jobs Proximity Census Tract Indices Labor Market Engagement, Low Poverty, Environmental Health, Transit Trips, Low Transportation Cost

5 How the AFFH-T and the AFFH-UI fit into the AFH Submission Process
Assessment Tools: 1. Local Governments (LGs), 2. Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) 3. States and Insular Areas AFFH Data and Mapping Tool (AFFH-T) AFFH User Interface (AFFH-UI) Assessment Tool **also referred to as an AFH, or Assessment of Fair Housing, or the template** The template/list of questions that will follow when completing an AFH. To preview these questions, HUD has provided PDF documents. These are posted on HUD Exchange. There will be three different versions of the AFH, based on the type of submitter: 1. Local Government Assessment Tool 2. PHA Assessment Tool 3. State and Insular Area Assessment Tool AFFH User Interface (AFFH-UI) Only accessible by grantees and HUD staff Online tool used to answer questions in AFH in electronic form Will automatically pull in maps and tables from the AFFH-T AFFH Data and Mapping Tool (AFFH-T) Public-facing online tool Provides maps and data to support the process of completing the AFH Multiple data sources including data from the Census Bureau, HUD, EPA and others These data provide standard measures that are consistent across all jurisdictions nationwide Maps and tables are numbered and referred to throughout the AFH

6 AFFH-T Development: Background
Prototype/Release 1 – 2013 Release 2 – July 2015 Rollout timed with announcement of final AFFH Rule Provided maps and tables for most CDBG Grantees with the preliminary Local Government (LG) Tool/template Release 3 – December 2015 Provided maps and tables for first version of the Local Government (LG) Tool/template used by the first submitters Added maps and tables for remaining CDBG Grantees (HOME, ESG) Basic integration with the AFFH User Interface (AFFH-UI) using static maps

7 AFFH-T Development: Background
Release 3.1 – July 2016 Added user enhancements and improvements for 508 compliance Preliminary work on custom maps for export to the AFFH-UI Release 4.0 – January 2017 Realigned maps and tables for second version of the LG Tool/template Added key user enhancements, including data versioning and the informational pop-up windows Release 4.1 – in development, expected June 2017 Scope includes the addition of maps and tables for the first cohort of PHA submitters Also includes completion of work for custom maps in the AFFH-UI

8 AFFH-T Development: Background
Release 4.2 – expected late fall 2017 Scope includes beta version for States as part of PRA process for State Tool/template Release 4.3 – estimated release in early 2018 Scope will focus on revisions to State maps and tables based on PRA public comments and HUD/OMB final review of State Tool/template

9 Demonstration of AFFH-T
Current version of the AFFH-T (4.1) Overview of basic functionality of the AFFH-T Include in demo: Map 1 – Race/Ethnicity Left-side panel, discuss each button but specifically demo the following: Background Navigating to different map or grantee Data versioning Right-side panel, discuss each tab: Map Info Legend Dot density R/ECAPs: tracts with A non-white population of 50 percent or more (AND A poverty rate that is either 40 percent or more (individuals living under the poverty line) Note - sometimes thresholds are lower: For non-CBSA areas, non-white population that is 20 percent or more If poverty rate is three or more times the average poverty rate across tracts in the metropolitan/micropolitan area TOC, demo the following: Transparency sliders Turning layers on/off Dot density value tool Jurisdiction-Region toggle button Audible ding as part of 508 compliance Local/State button for future releases Map Variations button Zoom in/out Pop-ups Map 2 – Race/Ethnicity Trends Map Variations Tables [download a copy of the Excel file prior to the demo], to explain how the tables complement data in maps, use the following examples: Table 1 reflects data in most maps with race/ethnicity, national origin, LEP, familial status and disability Table 2 reflects data in Map 2 (racial/ethnic trends) Table 12 reflects data in Maps 7-13 (opportunity indices) Tables 13 and 14 reflects data in Maps 14 and 15 (disability) Map 13 – Environmental Health Index: neighborhood rankings based on potential exposure to harmful toxins Map 17 – Location of Affordable Units: percent of rental units that are affordable, defined as units renting at or less than 30% of household income for a household with income at 50% of AMI

10 Additional Resources The HUD Exchange at is your one- stop shop for AFFH tools, guidance, training, data and other resources available to assist program participants including: AFFH Final Rule Assessment of Fair Housing Tool (aka the “AFH Template”) AFFH Guidebook Links to the AFFH-T and the AFFH-UI AFFH Data Documentation and raw data downloads HUD’s eGIS Storefront at Discover HUD's geospatial datasets, application programming interfaces (APIs), and web-based applications Include in demo: Map 1 – Race/Ethnicity Left-side panel, discuss each button but specifically demo the following: Background Navigating to different map or grantee Data versioning Right-side panel, discuss each tab: Map Info Legend Dot density R/ECAPs: tracts with A non-white population of 50 percent or more (AND A poverty rate that is either 40 percent or more (individuals living under the poverty line) Note - sometimes thresholds are lower: For non-CBSA areas, non-white population that is 20 percent or more If poverty rate is three or more times the average poverty rate across tracts in the metropolitan/micropolitan area TOC, demo the following: Transparency sliders Turning layers on/off Dot density value tool Jurisdiction-Region toggle button Audible ding as part of 508 compliance Local/State button for future releases Map Variations button Zoom in/out Pop-ups Map 2 – Race/Ethnicity Trends Map Variations Tables [download a copy of the Excel file prior to the demo], to explain how the tables complement data in maps, use the following examples: Table 1 reflects data in most maps with race/ethnicity, national origin, LEP, familial status and disability Table 2 reflects data in Map 2 (racial/ethnic trends) Table 12 reflects data in Maps 7-13 (opportunity indices) Tables 13 and 14 reflects data in Maps 14 and 15 (disability) Map 13 – Environmental Health Index: neighborhood rankings based on potential exposure to harmful toxins Map 17 – Location of Affordable Units: percent of rental units that are affordable, defined as units renting at or less than 30% of household income for a household with income at 50% of AMI

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