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Postwar America 1946-1960.

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Presentation on theme: "Postwar America 1946-1960."— Presentation transcript:

1 Postwar America

To help returning servicemen ease back into civilian life, Congress passed the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (GI Bill of Rights) The act provided tuition as well home & business loans

3 Economic Reconversion
When wartime controls were removed, inflation soared, wages dropped, and strikes were frequent In 1947, Congress passed the Taft Hartley Act which limited unions rights

4 The Civil Rights Movement Begins
Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball Truman desegregated the military

5 Truman’s Fair Deal Won a close re-election in 1948
Truman raised the minimum wage and S.S. benefits & proposed federal health insurance

6 Dwight D. Eisenhower WWII hero Elected in 1952 Conservative Republican

7 Interstate Highway Act 1956
41,000 miles of highway built Encouraged the growth of suburbs and businesses away from city centers

8 1950s Affluent Society 60% of Americans were middle class
Higher standard of living led to a consumer culture

9 Popular Culture of the 50s
Television reached 90% of homes Programs and ads created conservative stereotypes Father Knows Best

10 Subculture of the 50s The beat movement poets challenged conformity
Rock n’ roll combined R&B with pop—appealed to teens Elvis Presley

11 Medical Breakthroughs
Dr. Jonas Salk developed a vaccine for polio

12 50s Consumerism Buying material goods was equated with success
Advertising on television, radio, and magazines

13 The Creation of Suburbia
10 million homes built in the 50s Emphasis on family life The baby boom! Epitomized the American Dream

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