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Reclaiming the student experience

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1 Reclaiming the student experience

2 Reclaim or reframe? Student experience is often tightly defined by the instruments that are used to measure and manage it, which are ‘owned’ by institutions Framed as satisfaction more than as academic success or personal transformation; may not account for inclusion/exclusion or quality of relational interactions Retention and success patterns suggest it is not adequate for diversity of students As object of management, becomes one-dimensional and depersonalised

3 What gets counted? How does your institution define the student experience? What does good look like and why is it supposed to matter? What instruments are used to understand and improve it?

4 Key stats on student success (England)
Of students entering HE with a BBB at A-level in 07/08 72% of White students achieved a 2:1 or above 56% Asian students achieved a 2:1 or above 53% Black students achieved a 2:1 or above Of students with ABB at A-level 77% of students from advantaged areas achieved a 2:1 or above 67% of students from most disadvantaged areas achieved a 2:1 or above (Less likely to enter HE in first place, more likely to leave early)

5 Outcomes for 06-07 cohort (England)
White: 56% 2:1 or above | 48% graduate job/study Black: 31% 2:1 or above | 38% graduate job/study Asian: 45% 2:1 or above | 49% graduate job/study POLAR 5 59% 2:1 or above | 52% graduate job/study POLAR 1 45% 2:1 or above | 41% graduate job/study

6 More power for students
Of defining: create space for the qualitative as well as the quantitative – where students are defining the experience Of leading: student experience that is led and delivered through peer activity and/or non-conventional learning space Of knowing: equip students with knowledge and insight about learning itself Of exploring: grow understanding of what learning experiences students consider transformative

7 Inclusivity Changing policies, processes or systems that exclude or limit access Safe and trusting learning environment where individual views respected Evidence of concern and respect for diversity in learning Recognition of individual needs and support in place Addressing lazy stereotypes or unconscious bias Staff and students take responsibility and are supported to change own behaviour and challenge others’

8 Pedagogy Training course reps in pedagogy – use principles of Assessment for Learning Audit tools for students: formative assessment, class size, learning hours; network analysis Academic peer to peer mentoring & student-led academic societies; teach-ins Gather and analyse qualitative data and student stories not just survey data

9 Discussion and feedback
What is already happening in these areas? Which, if any of these ideas could you see yourself working on? What other ideas do you have?

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