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SPaG! – Better, but….. Catholic practises were still prevalent

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1 SPaG! – Better, but….. Catholic practises were still prevalent
In conclusion, I believe….. The dissolution of the monasteries The legislations suggest that Northumberland reign

2 SETTLER Record marks Q2/3/4 – AO1 Essay – Spread of Prot’m.

3 Feedback on Spread of Protestantism essay.
Well done. Very encouraging. Some general EBis ‘Although’ – used incorrectly at the start of a sentence Opening to paragraphs Criticise evidence to link into opposite view. SS. ‘This suggests’……….. link to title. MCs – save evidence P of G = Capitals. Avoid personal pronoun Explain specific evidence. E.g. Why Act of 6 Articles = Catholic Timing – plan out. Too long on H8 or not enough time on main factor. Don’t answer DOQs in Intro More on views of leaders and people

Was the Lady Jane Grey plot another example of Northumberland’s power grabbing nature? TO HIT A/A* (WHITEBOARDS)

5 The Trial


7 Was Mary Tudor doomed to fail?
Do historians think that she failed?

8 Background and inheritance
Advice Gender Experience Age Popularity Background and inheritance Early death Situation in England Character

9 Background & inheritance
Gender Advice Situation in England Background & inheritance Character Age Popularity Experience Early Death r

10 Learning Focus BLP – Noticing Literacy – use of adjectives
Peer assessment of conclusions 5

11 Next Few Lessons Mon 12/12 (1) – Sign in Lha. Mary’s marriage & Blind Date / Take me out Tues 13/12 (5) – Russia (Cpo) Thurs 15/12 (1) – Key individuals. Finish all over Christmas, for first lesson back.

12 Main 1 View the video clip (7 to 17 minutes)
RAG cards for doomed to fail or not Add to your A3 scale. 15

13 Starter. Horrible Histories clip on Mary Tudor. What image is this giving of Mary. How does it help answer the LO. 10

14 DOOMED TO FAIL Review reading and annotate cards. Place them on the A3 scale. (LC) PEER REVIEW OF A DIFFERENT GROUP INCREASINGLY DOOMED 10

15 Background & inheritance
Gender Advice Situation in England Background & inheritance Character Age Popularity Experience Early Death

16 The Traditional view of Mary Tudor
The extremely negative view was initially, and unsurprisingly, formed by Elizabethan historians. They were anxious to justify Protestantism and to increase feeling against the Catholic and Spanish threat. This view was carried on by the Victorians who, anxious to stress the historical basis of English freedom, presented Mary’s reign as a lesson in the perils of authoritarian rule. Likewise, Whig historians searched into England’s past to explain why Britain was the foremost power in the C19th. They explained this by the mixture of a Protestant work ethic and liberalism. Mary clearly bucked the trend on both accounts!

17 The Revisionist view of Mary Tudor
The difficulties of Mary’s reign are recognised, particularly her intolerance (burnings) . Yet, most have been greatly exaggerated and excuses have been overlooked; (a) Time – only 5 years to restore RC (b) Gender – first woman ruler in a misogynistic age (c) Early death – many of her policies were unfulfilled at her death (e.g reform of coinage, revival of Navy). These were completed in Elizabeth’s reign, so she got the credit. Equally, there were some successes in her early foreign policy and her administration. 5

18 The historiography of Mary
Complete Historiography exercise after having gone through the traditional and more modern view. Take one each (to be directed by teacher). Inference ex based on the historians’ sources. From the booklet. Think; View of historian Main reasons for view Read the initial pages of the Mary marriage booklet and prepare the content for a Blind Date/Take me Out format presentation. Think if Mary should have married at all and whether she should have married a subject or foreigner. Who was the best match – Phil, Eddie or Poley? 5

19 The historiography of Mary
Complete Historiography exercise after having gone through the traditional and more modern view. Take one each (to be directed by teacher). Inference ex based on the historians’ sources. From the booklet. Think; View of historian Main reasons for view Read the initial pages of the Mary marriage booklet and prepare the content for a Blind Date/Take me Out format presentation. Think if Mary should have married at all and whether she should have married a subject or foreigner. Who was the best match – Phil, Eddie or Poley? 5

20 Plenary 1 Hot seating of McCulloch and Mary 5

21 PLENARY 2 – IN PAIRS Book titles for Mary I Traditional view
Modern view Balanced view (e.g. ‘The Marmite Queen’) 5

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