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Best way to reach me is email. I always try to respond– it might just be a “thanks” or short response. I’m fairly informal with my responses,

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Presentation on theme: "Best way to reach me is email. I always try to respond– it might just be a “thanks” or short response. I’m fairly informal with my responses,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Best way to reach me is email.
I always try to respond– it might just be a “thanks” or short response. I’m fairly informal with my responses, I hope that is okay with you. Typically the shorter the the quicker the reply. Class website

2 Class make up this year 27 students 15 boys 12 girls
Student Teacher- Mrs. Simmonds 3 students are with us only some of the time. Mrs. Jones will usually come to class with them.

3 Personal Beliefs/goals for third grade students
Respect and polite to all Learn organization skills Learning is fun and ongoing Find inner drive/self motivation Goes well with “Get your Armorrr on”- (Respect, Responsibility, Ready)

4 Homework We will have some– Likely not too much
Enough to create good organization habits and enrich classroom learning If you find your student spending too much time with it, let me know 15 minutes of reading every day IXL is encouraged

5 Assignment Notebook We will do this daily
Students have the responsibility to get their assignment notebook signed. Signing it means you have communicated with your child about their day and assignments. Feel free to leave a note.


7 Reading Continued Hoopla app Audio books Books on devices
Good readers need reading role models Let them see you read Read together, discuss books

8 Areas Music- with Mrs. Ogdon Tues. 1:20-1:45 and Friday 1:20-1:45 Art- with Mrs. Cunningham Wed. 10:15-11:05 P.E.-with Mrs. Leake Daily 8:25-8:50 I.M.C.- Mrs. Tindall Mon. 10:10-11:00 SWORD- daily 9:40-10:10 Lunch/Recess daily 11:30-12:20

9 Let’s work together for success
Keep me posted as to struggles, difficulties, emotions, etc. If something happens that you think might carry over into the school day. If your student is being difficult with you about something school related, let me know. Keep me informed of major life changes.

10 Snacks BYOS– Bring your own snack
Fruits, vegetables (NO DIPPING SAUSES). Yogurt or cheese sticks also okay Remember to send a spoon if necessary. Please keep it to a snack- should be able to be eaten in about 5 minutes.

11 Odds and Ends Assignment Notebook $6—everyone has one!
Time for Kids (TFK) $5 Calculator (optional) Book orders once a month—due next Friday Water container– with lid. 3rd grade computers Passwords Google Classroom Room is often cool– students can leave sweatshirt/sweater here

12 Odds and Ends continued
Please keep fidget spinners at home. If you believe your child needs the spinner, please let me know– we will work something out. Camera- any one willing to donate or loan a digital camera? Laffy Taffy, Blow Pops, Tootsie Pops Student Council paragraphs due Monday

13 3S Codes A star or P= paper was reviewed but not taken for a grade. Often I’ll spot check just one problem. Happy Face= paper was reviewed but not taken for a grade. Often I’ll spot check just one problem. C & R= Student should correct and return

14 Anything I need to know? If there is anything I need to know about your student- anxiety, allergies, needs, please make me aware of it as soon as possible. Feel free to leave your child a note.

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