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Greeley’s TIF Toolbox EDCC Overview 2017: Oct 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Greeley’s TIF Toolbox EDCC Overview 2017: Oct 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greeley’s TIF Toolbox EDCC Overview 2017: Oct 3

2 Urban Renewal Redevelopment District & Tax Increment Areas
Becky Other Economic Development Initiatives & Tools Tax Increment Districts

3 Western Sugar TIF Urban Renewal Case Study
Say Cheese! Western Sugar TIF Urban Renewal Case Study

4 Who is Leprino Foods? World’s largest manufacturer of mozzarella cheese, supplying such operations as Pizza Hut, Domino’s & Papa Johns as well as individual cheese products through Wal-Mart and other food retailers Operates plants in the US, including one in Ft. Morgan, and two in the United Kingdom. HQ based in Denver CO Sought another mid-continent site for new prototype operation

5 Project Overview: LF Site Criteria
+/- 100 acre site Reliable water supply Good transportation access Industrial zoning for large scale manufacturing Development incentives to compete favorably with competing Kansas site Cooperative development review process

6 Western Sugar Site: Assets
100 acre: of sufficient size For sale Rail Spur and Hwy access Within GURA Tax Increment District Adequate supply of dairies nearby In Enterprise Zone; site and industry eligible for additional economic development incentives (Ent. Zone, State tax credits, etc.)

7 Western Sugar Site: Issues
Building obsolete, to be removed Hazardous materials (asbestos) Oil and gas wells 800,000cy of waste lime deposit UP denied rail access Flood Plain Airport influence area

8 Economic Incentives City: 50% waived sales and use tax (for > $10m in construction + essential job creation) City: Industrial Water Bank rates (raw water purchase) and redundancy support with wastewater discharge City & GURA: each owned adjacent parcels; able to sell LF some add’l land for lagoons/treatment GURA TIF: up to 98% of property tax rebated over 20-yr life of district for eligible site development costs (infrastructure, hazard removal, etc.); was the ‘but for’ incentive, made deal possible

9 Process Land acquisition negotiated (Leprino & Western Sugar)
City incentives, water/wastewater incentives & support negotiated through a Development Agreement Tax Increment Financing negotiated with the Greeley Urban Renewal Authority as part of a Redevelopment & Reimbursement Agreement Variety of land use approvals Along the way to the Deal…. Extensive Problem-solving (lime removal, work around o/g wells) Site surprises with excavation (new, hot asbestos dump) The Economy (local bank failure, dairy/ag loans at risk, governmental budget impacts, eve of not-so-Great Recession )

10 Economic Impact to Area
Projected Leprino investment of $270+ million (1st 2 phases) to generate economic benefits over 20 years of: City of Greeley: $325.1 million Weld County: $4.8 billion Colorado: $10.1 billion 2017: Company has commenced Phase 3 plant expansion, with an initial investment of $190million, adding to the ~ $600 million already invested, adding over 200k sf of working space to the existing facility

11 Building Perspective - Scale

12 Questions ?

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