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Personal & Professional Development (PPD)

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Presentation on theme: "Personal & Professional Development (PPD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal & Professional Development (PPD)

2 Why is this important? I know what my next career move is… PPD to help you to get there… I am undecided about my next career move… PPD to guide your decision making…



5 How much time are you investing per year in your own PPD
How much time are you investing per year in your own PPD? Encourage you to spend at least 10 days a year on your own PPD

6 Personal and Professional Development Dr Sharon Saunders Researcher Development Consultant




10 Vitae is dedicated to realising the potential of researchers through transforming their professional and career development. Vitae, ©2015 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. @vitae_news @vitae_news

11 Register to our website with your university email for full access
On @Vitae_news on Twitter #vitae15 #phdchat #phdadvice #acwri address to register Vitae, ©2015 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited. @vitae_news @vitae_news

12 Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF)
Describes the knowledge, behaviours and attributes of successful researchers Use it to assess your strengths and identify areas for further development Vitae, ©2015 Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited.

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