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Reading strategies foundation unit

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1 Reading strategies foundation unit
Cycle 1, Day 1 Reading strategies foundation unit

2 Team Cooperation Skill:
Reading goal: As we read, we will use strategies to clarify words and phrases in a narrative poem. Today’s Big Question: Can an ordinary person perform a heroic deed? Team Cooperation Skill: Explain your ideas and tell why

3 Think-Pair-Share What do we mean by the term narrative?
If a narrative is a story, what is a narrative poem? Heroic deeds What is a heroic deed (action)? Can you think of an example of a heroic deed? Why might people want to read about heroic deeds?

4 Paul Revere’s Ride Survey the poem Discuss with your group (# heads)
After surveying the poem, what heroic deed do you think we will be reading about? What do you know about Paul Revere? Was he a real person? Background knowledge

5 Clarifying: Think-Pair-Share
Do you need to know the meaning of every word you read in order to understand what is going on in a narrative? How can you tell when you have skipped over key words? What can you do when you stop understanding what you are reading?

6 Check out your Reading Goal
Clarifying is clearing up confusion. What strategy did we just talk about? Check out stanza 8, the first four lines Hmmmm…. # Heads: identify some words or phrases you need to clarify T-P-S: How can you figure out the meaning of these words or phrases that you marked with sticky notes? What strategies can you use?

7 Clarifying Strategies
Confused? STOP. Identify the place where you got confused. Find key words or phrases that you need to figure out. Reread or read ahead to find clues in the text. Look for parts of a word that are familiar (base word, prefix, suffix). Make a mind movie. Use a glossary or dictionary. Ask someone, like your partner, for help

8 Paul Revere’s Ride – T-P-S
What is the setting of this narrative poem? Where and when does it take place? Where is Charlestown? How do you know that? The North Church… Who are the characters in the poem? What is happening in this story poem? What have been the main events so far?

9 Story Map

10 Listen to this stanza T-P-S
What strategies did I use to figure out what was happening in this stanza? How would asking someone else be a good strategy? Stop, sticky, someone!!!

11 Vocabulary Word Definition Sentence Phantom
Like a ghost; not easily seen or heard The fog was so heavy that night that boats coming into the harbor looked like phantom ships appearing out of thin air. Impetuous Showing sudden energy or emotion The hockey player made an impetuous move that surprised the opposing team. Steed Horse The cowboy depended on his trusty steed to help him round up the cattle. Aghast Horrified and amazed Liz was aghast to find how poorly she had done on the test. Valorous Brave or courageous The valorous fireman went into the burning building to save the people trapped inside. Resolute Firm; unmoving His dad said the shoes were ugly, but Jake was resolute in his decision to buy them. Heedless Ignoring or not paying attention Molly walked toward the dog, heedless of its bared teeth. Dauntless Fearless; unable to be scared away The dauntless mother bird flew at the fox, trying to scare away it from her nest.

12 Partner reading Create your own Story Map to record the elements of your partner reading selection. Review partner reading strategies. Read “Paul Revere’s Ride” stanzas 4-7 silently to yourself. Reread “Paul Revere’s Ride” stanzas 4-7 aloud to your partner.

13 Team talk questions What evidence is there that the British soldiers are on the move? Which character do we follow in stanzas 4-6? What action does this character take in stanza 5? Suppose that your partner is confused by the word encampment in stanza 6. what would you suggest your partner do to clarify the word encampment? How is the graveyard like an encampment? (write) What information does Paul Revere get by watching the church tower?

14 # Heads What qualities would you expect to find in a person who performs a heroic deed? Can an ordinary person perform a heroic deed? Vocabulary Review Homework: read 20 minutes EVERY NIGHT!

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