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Learning experiences and achievements

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1 Learning experiences and achievements
ISCS 2017 Learning experiences and achievements Shao Sun, Zachary Misiani, Wenyao Li, Sixiao Yang, Qin Wen, Xiaoyu Zhou, Chunyan Zhang, Yongru Jiang, Zhenqing Liang, Lun Yin & Jingyu Yao Group-A Good afternoon Ladies and gentlemen, The global climate, in the past century, has seen dramatic changes in speed and intensity, which has had a profound impact on human society and natural ecosystems. 国家气候中心 NATIONAL CLIMATE CENTER

2 Our Group Here, I and my group, first greatly appreciate our professors for their wonderful lectures and our organizer, sun yan sen university and national climate center, china.

3 The ocean’s role in the climate system
By Thomas Stocker

4 Past climate change By Thomas Stocker

5 Past climate change By Thomas Stocker

6 Past climate change By Thomas Stocker

7 IPCC AR5 -The Physical Science Basis
By Thomas Stocker

8 IPCC AR5 -The Physical Science Basis
How will we response to climate change? Limiting climate change will require substantial and sustained reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. By Thomas Stocker

9 Air quality and emissions control in EU
By Stefano Cernuschi

10 Air quality of the world
By Stefano Cernuschi

11 Climate services in a changing climate
By Lee Tsz-cheung

12 Tropical Cyclone Activity in Western North Pacific
By Lee Tsz-cheung

13 Modelling the climate By Jeremy Walton

14 Modelling the climate By Jeremy Walton

15 Climate change in the oceans
By Hans-Otto Poertner

16 Climate change in the oceans
By Hans-Otto Poertner

17 Thank you for your attention.
Acknowledgement Thank you for your attention.

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