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Acrylamide - Regulatory and Industry Update

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Presentation on theme: "Acrylamide - Regulatory and Industry Update"— Presentation transcript:

1 Acrylamide - Regulatory and Industry Update
Thursday 16th November 2017 The Meadows Suite, University of Reading, RG6 6UR  Time Speaker Title 9.00 Coffee and registration 9.30 Welcome 9.40 Prof. Don Mottram University of Reading Mitigation of the formation of acrylamide in foods – what has been achieved? 10.10 Dr Walburga Seefelder Nestle An update on acrylamide: an industry perspective 10.40 Dr Natalie Thatcher Mondelelz Toxicology update 11.10 Coffee 11.30 Mark Willis FSA Regulatory update 12.00 Emilie Clauzier RSSL Acrylamide: a little molecule with big challenges – an analytical perspective 12.15 Nathan Hawkins Anatune Acrylamide analysis: do the current approaches meet the future regulatory challenges? 12.30 Raniero Zazzeroni PepsiCo Development of a high throughput LC/MS method for the analysis of acrylamide in Foods 12.45 Lunch, exhibition and posters 13.30 Jaap Berg-van den DSM Acrylamide and enzymes 14.00 Dr Steve Elmore Acrylamide levels in chips made from vegetables other than potatoes 14.30 Short science updates 15.15 Prof. Bryan Hanley KTN Funding opportunities 15.30 15.45 Prof. Nigel Halford Rothamsted Research The importance of variety selection and crop management for controlling acrylamide-forming potential, and the prospects for solving the acrylamide problem through plant breeding and biotechnology 16.15 Andrew Curtis ESA and invited speakers Questions to the panel 16.45 Close

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