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Unit 6 Review: Early Republic Party!

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 6 Review: Early Republic Party!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 6 Review: Early Republic Party!

2 Rules Just like in Mario Party, in Review Party you earn coins by completing challenges. You can use coins to get stars. The team with the most stars at the end wins!

3 How to Spend Coins 6 Coins: Buy one star
8 Coins: Steal one star from another team 10 coins: Buy two stars

4 Tips Teams will be chosen at random to make final purchases
Buy too early and teams might steal! Buy too late and you might not get another shot! Who knows!!!

5 Ready? Here we go!

6 Name 3 parts of Alexander Hamilton’s economic plan!
2 Coin Question Name 3 parts of Alexander Hamilton’s economic plan!

7 2 Coins Repay the war debt Create a national bank Tax whiskey
Create a protective tariff on imported goods

8 What did the Whiskey Rebellion prove?
1 Coin Question What did the Whiskey Rebellion prove?

9 1 Coin The Whiskey Rebellion proved that the new government, under the Constitution, was strong enough.

10 Red Square!

11 Red Square! Every group gets a shot!

12 Who was the leader of the Federalist Party?
Red Square! Who was the leader of the Federalist Party?

13 Red Square! Alexander Hamilton was the leader of the Federalist party.

14 What is a protective tariff?
2 Coin Question What is a protective tariff?

15 2 Coins A protective tariff is a tax placed on imported goods.

16 Did Thomas Jefferson support creating a national bank?
1 Coin Question Did Thomas Jefferson support creating a national bank?

17 1 Coin NO! Thomas Jefferson thought that opening a national bank would be unconstitutional

18 2 Coin Question Which political party supported a weaker federal government, and giving the states more power?

19 2 Coins The Anti-Federalists (and Democratic Republicans) supported a weaker federal government, and giving the states more power

20 Mini-Game!

21 Mini-Game! If the answer is correct, the group will receive +3 coins
If the answer is wrong, the group will receive -3 coins Will you take up the challenge?

22 Mini-Game! What was George Washington’s stance on foreign affairs?

23 “Mind your own business!”
George Washington supported neutrality. 29

24 1 Coin Question What is “impressment?”

25 Impressment is the kidnapping of American sailors by the British Navy
1 Coin Impressment is the kidnapping of American sailors by the British Navy

26 1 Coin Question In his Farewell Address, George Washington warned Americans to stay out of Europe’s business. What else did he warn Americans about?

27 Washington also warned Americans about political parties
1 Coins Washington also warned Americans about political parties

28 What is the Monroe Doctrine?
2 Coin Question What is the Monroe Doctrine?

29 2 Coin The Monroe Doctrine was James Monroe’s statement that the U.S. would not tolerate European involvement in the Western Hemisphere

30 1 Coin Question What is the name of the law that set procedures for adding new states to the Union?

31 1 Coin The Northwest Ordinance is the law that set procedures for adding new states to the Union.

32 Bowser Button!

33 Bowser Button! If 1 group gets the answer wrong or cheats, Bowser will take 3 coins from everyone!

34 What were two effects of the War of 1812?

35 Economic: American businesses grew and prospered since trade with Britain stopped before and during the war.

36 Mini-Game!

37 Mini-Game! If the answer is correct, the group can rock-paper-scissors for +5 coins!

38 Mini-Game! What was the main purpose of the Embargo Act of 1807?

39 Mini-Game! The act stopped all trade between the U.S. and Europe.

40 2 Coin Question What precedents did George Washington set for future U.S. presidents during his presidency?

41 Appointed cabinet members Only served 2 terms
2 Coins Appointed cabinet members Only served 2 terms

42 2 Coin Question What was George Washington’s “claim to fame” before he became president?

43 2 Coin Question Washington was the General of the Continental Army during the American Revolution

44 Red Square!

45 If the group answer isn’t correct, the group will lose 2 coins!
Red Square! If the group answer isn’t correct, the group will lose 2 coins!

46 Multi Coin Question Name one characteristic of the Democratic-Republican party.

47 1 Coin Led by Thomas Jefferson Did not support the National Bank
Did not support a strong, central government

48 The Final Challenge!

49 5 COIN QUESTION! Describe how the American foreign policy changed between Washington and Monroe’s presidencies.

50 5 COIN QUESTION! Washington supported an isolationist and neutral position; he didn’t want America to get involved with Europe. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson continued with a neutral position. James Madison broke from this trend when he declared war on Great Britain (the War of ) James Monroe began a new chapter in American foreign policy by declaring that the Western Hemisphere was closed to further European colonization.

51 Time to make final purchases!

52 Round ‘Em Up! How many stars does your team have? If you have the most, you win! Make sure you study tonight and get ready to rock the test!

53 Homework Complete the Unit 6 Study Guide

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