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CONCORD plans for 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "CONCORD plans for 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONCORD plans for 2013

2 Context Strategic plan 2009 – 2015 Revision of the implementation 2012
New operational planning system put in place for 2013

3 Annual Plan 2013 Focused Realistic Engaging Measurable

4 Priorities To develop, agree on and create ownership of a sharp visionary political narrative that will strengthen the activities of CONCORD and its members with regard to the next EP elections, the appointment of the new EC and the EU position on post-2015 framework.

5 Priorities To influence the EU Multi-Annual Financial Framework 2014 – 2020 on budget chapters and programming which will be critical for the work of CONCORD and its members.

6 Priorities To build a logical, manageable and coherent plan for leadership development, membership engagement, and communication within the confederation.

7 Accompanying tools - Strengthening role of the Conveners Forum - Online interactive calendar : new extranet as an interactive space for collaboration

8 Thank you for your attention!

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