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1 Chemistry

2 Chemistry Chapter 1 Notes
Chemistry - the study of material based on its matter (composition or structure) and behavior (properties).

3 Matter is anything that has inertia.
Inertia is the property of matter described as a resistance to change in motion. Energy is the ability to do work. Potential energy refers to the amount of stored energy. Kinetic energy refers to the energy used for motion. Radiant energy is the type energy emitted from electromagnetic waves

4 Law of Conservation of Mass
states the total amount of mass throughout the universe is constant.

5 Law of Conservation of Energy
states the total amount of energy throughout the universe is constant. Both laws were believed to be true for over 200 years. Einstein set them straight.

6 E=mc2 Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy
” state that together matter and energy is conserved. (Nuclear Rxns.)

7 Intermediates are the in-between steps of a reaction.
They are not the raw materials nor the products.

8 Process or Scientific Method
involves different steps used for exploring and finding out about the unknown. (Hypothesis, Observation and Experimentation) are the most common.

9 Models are important in describing the behaviors and structures of chemicals and systems being studied.

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