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Request for permission to do an external internship

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1 Request for permission to do an external internship
MSc Chemistry MSc Life Science and Technology

2 What is an external intership?
For Chemistry masters every reseach internship done outside the LIC is an external internship. For LST students an external intership is outside the following institutes: LIC, IBL, LACDR, NKI, LUMC and Erasmus MC. If you want to do an external internship you have to obtain permission of the Board of Examiners

3 Submission via the secretary of the board of examiners
Three documents must be supplied: your masterplan, the invitation by the visiting institute and your request for permission. Make sure you have one up to date masterplan Make sure your mentor agrees with your internship plans

4 Your request contains information about yourself
Your name Your student number Your program (Chemistry or LST) and the date you started the program The name of your mentor The name of the LIC supervisor of this internship

5 Information about the receiving institute
Name of university/institute/company Duration (in EC) and starting date of the internship Topic of the internship Contact information of the receiving institute: this must be a staff member with a permanent position at the institute

6 Information about the project
Give information about the project and the things you will do. What are the scientifc goals of the project? Especially when you are doing a project in a company you should clearly indicate why this project fits in your studies. Note that this procedure does not apply to SBB internships!

7 Things to consider The proposed project may not have too much overlap with earlier projects (see study guide). Please sketch the relation between this project and earlier research projects The request must be complete before submission to the board of examiners Your supervisor must create an internship agreement for this internship!

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