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What comes to mind when you think of POWER

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Presentation on theme: "What comes to mind when you think of POWER"— Presentation transcript:

1 What comes to mind when you think of POWER

2 Power 16/07/2018 LO: Derive our simple electrical power formulae and practice until proficient Predict and calculate how much electricity costs

3 Define current – Define Potential difference – Define Power - Can you link the three?

4 Power = Current x Potential Difference
P=IV Now V=IR Sub this into the above: P=

5 Also I=V/R Sub this into P=IV

6 Energy transferred = Power x time (Work done) W = Pt =
Finally: Energy transferred = Power x time (Work done) W = Pt = (Use P=IV)

7 15 min Practice Qu’s Pg107

8 Fuse wires Connect a short length (<10cm) of thin fuse wire to a 12V supply. CAUTION – Use a heat proof mat -Only turn powerpack on when whole circuit connected

9 Fuse Wires -Designed to melt if the current gets too high. -Must have a rating above max current drawn by device – Why? Normally 3A, 13A or 30A in a house (5A, 40A and larger are also available) Circuits in a house contain a live and neutral wire (see page 109).

10 Paying for electricity:
Why do we pay for electricity? We pay for electricity in ‘Units’. 1 Unit = 1 Kilowatt-Hour A Kilowatt-Hour is a unit of energy. How many Joules are there in 1kWh?

11 A kilowatt-hour is the energy transferred by a 1kW device in 1hour


13 How much do you think a unit costs?
Cost = Power x Time x Cost per unit (kW) (hours) (pence) Kettle = 2.2kW Microwave = 800W TV = 120W Light = 100W Power shower = 9500W Hair straighteners=300W Hair dryer = 1800W

14 Gas is also supplied in kilowatt-hours?
Why is it cheaper? (Ignore direct fuel costs)

15 Practice (finish for homework):
All Qu’s pg’s 107, 109, 111

16 What are today's Key Points?

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