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CBC – co-operation Content: Discussed themes in St Petersburg 19.4. and preliminary formulated topics for the coming CBC-call innovated in Turku 27.4.2017.

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Presentation on theme: "CBC – co-operation Content: Discussed themes in St Petersburg 19.4. and preliminary formulated topics for the coming CBC-call innovated in Turku 27.4.2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBC – co-operation Content: Discussed themes in St Petersburg and preliminary formulated topics for the coming CBC-call innovated in Turku The University’s founding years was an era of strong patriotism and Finland took its first steps as an independent country. This spirit can also be sensed in the motto of the University: From a free people to free science and learning

2 Meeting minutes Topic: CBC-call, Time: Place: UTU, Brahea Background: Meeting in Turku-centre with Russian colleagues 19.4. At present: Managing Director Mikko Lohikoski, City of Turku Pasi Malinen, Research dir., UTU, Brahea-centre, Areal Research and Development Tommi Inkinen, Prof., UTU, Brahea-centre, Centre for Maritime Studies Sakari Kajander, Unit leader, UTU, Brahea-centre, Centre for Maritime Studies Petteri Sinervo, Senior Adviser, UTU, Brahea-centre Esa Hämäläinen, Prof. Dir., UTU, Brahea-centre

3 CBC-co-operation UTU & StP-partners
Labour markets Continuously changing needs are here to stay Pre-defined focus-areas: Focus: 1. Arctic environment and qualifications Focus: 2. Improved Innovations and spin offs Focus 1: -> Development of professional skills and qualifications required in Arctic regions and environment (DARC) Reveal acute qualification needs and formulate these into continuous education themes Create training packages and pilotizing these in smaller target groups Arctic MBA as a target Focus 2: -> Developing and managing of innovations and spin offs and creating value add eco-systems in larger corporations. (DECO) Revealing hidden potentials in larger units Creating scalable and transferable models and examples Increase research and development cross border co-operation between companies and with higher education Development of professional skills and qualifications required in Arctic environment (DARC)

4 Focus 1: -> DARC-project - Development of professional skills and qualifications required in Arctic regions and environment – Arctic specialist Diploma. Creating continuous training program: Goal is to increase participants professional qualifications in Arctic questions and challenges –Finnish-Russian Artic MBA – program could be a target, UTU and StPg. Univ. to be defined Some topics; depending how a company functions in arctic conditions or planning to focus there: Fact: There is always a shortage of know-how, working solutions, resources and capable personnel, especially in Arctic environment. Understanding Arctic challenges and possibilities when acting there: remote area with Ice, Aurora Borealis, Midnight sun, Darkness, severe conditions… Sustainability topics, revealing facts and changing these into actions Study of Arctic technology and expected competences, classifications, existing infrastructure, technologies, operations, procedures? Regulations like international agreements e.g. SAR, Environmental and healthy risks: Responding to Oil Spills in the Arctic & Remote Regions, conceptual overview of Arctic Shipping Risk models1. Model world wide risk – What is the risk under world wide conditions? Risk Category, 2. Add Arctic accident categories – Accidents specific to the Arctic, 3. Add Arctic risk shaping factors – How does, Arctic conditions influence the risk? 4. Add risk mitigation measures – How can the risk be mitigated? Arctic topics and increased co-operation with Turku, St Petersburg, Hamburg region and Sweden is next step.

5 Focus 2: -> DECO-project - Developing and managing innovation and spin off ecosystems in various business environments Many innovations are created in collaboration between organisations and people with various background. Open innovation approach is a term that refers to open and active collaboration between various organisations and actors. In this project, we are interested in developing an innovation ecosystem within large corporations together with external organisations. These external organisations include small companies and universities. Today, large organisations are concentrating on their core competence. Thus, there might be challenges within a large organisation to commercialise new inventions that are created. In the project, we try to find ways of spinning these inventions into new start-ups. New start-ups are part of a bigger innovation ecosystem. New start-up activity is regarded as one indicator of a developing and innovative region. In the project, we concentrate on selected industry sectors and clusters. Project partners include large corporations, innovative small companies, universities, and regional development organisations. In the project, we will build sustainable innovation ecosystems (open innovation) developing methods for assisting large corporations to recognise and develop inventions into spin off start-ups (training) researching new start-up activity based on previous steps

6 Russian participants in meeting StP Turku –center 19.4. 11.00 – 18.00.
Tsybukov, Sergei, General Director, Komsomolskaja Pravda Lvova, Elena, Expert Volkova, Angelina, Head of Division, Rosnano Samovarova, Olga, SPG Group of Companies. Managing partner. Special adviser in Arctic issues. Turku-center Irina Lapenkova UTU Brahea-Centre Timo Halttunen, Head of ARD-unit Kirsti Haihu, Specialits in Labour and Professional skills Esa Hämäläinen, Director, Professor

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