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Webinar Date: November 1, 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Webinar Date: November 1, 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Webinar Date: November 1, 2013
Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grant Program (Round 2) Annual Performance Report (APR) Table 1 Training for YEAR 1 Webinar Date: November 1, 2013 Presented by: ETA/OWI Division of Strategic Investments U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration

2 Enter your location in the Chat window – lower left of screen
Where are you? Enter your location in the Chat window – lower left of screen #

3 Presenter: Kristen Milstead Title: Workforce Analyst
Organization: Division of Strategic Investments #

4 Topics We Will Cover The APR Reporting System: Getting Started
Reporting on Participants and Their Status Reporting Education Outcomes Reporting Employment Outcomes Reporting Demographics and Narrative Information Validating, Certifying and Submitting Your Report #

5 The APR Reporting System: Getting Started

6 #

7 #

8 #

9 #

10 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment #

11 Quick Summary of APR Data
Data on all participants are reported Should be true of each participant as of the last day of the year– September 30, 2013 #

12 Reporting on Participants and Their Status
B.1 - B.4 #

13 B.1 - Unique Participants Served/Enrollees
Definition: The total number of individuals for the year who entered any of the grant-funded programs offered to date. *Unique: if a participant exits and returns, he or she cannot be counted a second time as a participant. Grant-funded programs: -FAQ #9: What is a grant-funded program? A grant-funded program is a credit or non-credit program of study which is paid for in whole or in part with grant funds and which leads to an industry-recognized degree or certificate. Instances of “grant-funded” programs and courses include, but are not limited to, a course where the curriculum was developed, purchased, or modified using grant funds; a course for which training equipment (e.g. simulators) that is required for the course were purchased using grant funds; a course that is taught by an instructor whose salary is paid for in whole or in part with grant funds; an internship program developed with grant funds; a course that uses classroom supplies purchased with grant funds; and a course held in classroom space that was altered with grant funds. A determination about which programs and courses are “grant-funded” funded” should be made on the basis of the grantee’s SOW… (FAQ #1)

14 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment Enter only students who enroll in a “grant funded program” (one that leads to an industry-recognized degree or credential. #

15 B.2 Total Number Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Program of Study
Definition: The total number of unique participants who completed any grant-funded program to date. Participants: Only students who are considered participants can be counted as completers. Unique: Participants who complete should only be included once during the period of performance, even if they complete multiple programs. Completion is defined as having earned all of the credit hours (formal award units) needed for the award of a degree or certificate in that program of study. #

16 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 60 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment Only students counted as participants can be counted as completers. B.2 will always be smaller than B.1 in the first year. #

17 B.2a Total Number of Incumbent Workers Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Program of Study
This number will be a subset of the number in B.2. Include in this outcome only students from B.2 who are incumbent workers, which are students who are employed at the time of enrollment, either full-time or part-time. In other words, incumbent workers are included once in B.2 because B.2 includes all completers. Incumbent workers are then counted again separately in B.2a by themselves. #

18 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 60 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 5 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment B.2a will never be larger than B.2, as it is a subset. Don’t separate the two. All those counted in B.2a will ALSO be counted in B.2. #

19 B.3 Total Number Still Retained in Their Program of Study or Other Grant-Funded Program(s)
Definition: Of the total number of unique participants enrolled who have not completed their programs, enter the total number of enrollees who were still enrolled either in their original program of study or a different grant-funded program of study at the end of the reporting year. -Only students who are considered participants can be counted as being still retained grant-funded programs. -If a participant switches to a different program prior to completing it, he or she may still be counted as being retained in a grant-funded education program as long as it is grant-funded and they have not completed it. -If the participant has already completed a program, however, they are not eligible to be counted in this field. #

20 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 60 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 5 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 20 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment Students who have NOT completed a program but are still enrolled in any grant-funded program of study can be counted in this data element. #

21 B.4 Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s)
Definition: Of the total number of unique participants enrolled, enter the total number of enrollees who dropped out of a grant-funded program of study, but have enrolled in another education program not funded by the grant. - If the participant has already completed a program, however, they are not eligible to be counted in this field. -If a participant later switches to another grant-funded education program, he or she cannot be re-enrolled as a participant due to the definition of a participant specifying all participants as being “unique.” -The future outcomes of students enrolling in non-grant funded education programs do not need to be tracked and reported. #

22 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 60 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 5 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 20 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 10 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment Participants who have NOT completed a grant-funded program and are no longer enrolled in a program that is funded in any way by the grant this year are counted in this field. #

23 APR Table 1, Year 1, B.1-B.4 Florence Night enrolls in a TAACCCT-funded nursing certificate program in Year One. If on September 30, 2013: Year One Report: Completed program; Earned certificate B.1, B.2 Continuing in any other program of study Has not completed program; Continuing in ANY grant-funded program of study B.1, B.3 Has not completed program; Continuing in a NON-GRANT FUNDED program of study B.1, B.4 Leaves college to take a job; re-enrolls later B.1

24 Quiz #1 A. Year 1: B.1 and B.2 C. Year 1: B.1 and B.4
Johnny Apple enrolls in a grant-funded program in Year 1, completes that program in Year 1, then enrolls in a NON-GRANT funded program in Year 1. In which of the following outcomes can he be counted? B.1 Unique Participants Served/Enrollees B.2 Total Number Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Program of Study B.3 Total Number Still Retained in Their Program of Study or Other Grant-Funded Program(s) B.4 Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) A. Year 1: B.1 and B.2 B. Year 1: B.1, B.2 and B.4 C. Year 1: B.1 and B.4 #

25 What about people who I am serving, but don’t fit the technical definition of a “participant?”
Examples: BRIDGE programs, ESL, GED, basic skills programs, work-readiness training, tutoring, or other programs which are not seamlessly integrated into programs of study which lead to industry-recognized credentials These activities are also valuable aspects of TAACCCT that fall under the umbrella of capacity-building and will not be left out of your Annual Performance Report (APR). The APR contains the ability for grantees to add five of their own additional customized outcomes in the data element C.10. Grantees may choose to develop their own outcomes where reporting on these specific activities may take place. Additional reporting and narrative description can be included in the Quarterly Narrative Progress Report. #

26 Reporting Education Outcomes
B.5 – B.7 #

27 B.5 Total Number of Credit Hours Completed
Definition: The total number of credit hours to date that have been completed by participants in grant-funded certificate and degree programs -Enter the aggregate number of credit hours across all of your participants to date during the year. -Only the credit hours of students who are considered participants can be counted in this data element. -If a participant left all grant-funded programs during the year, the credit hours he or she did complete that year in TAACCCT-funded programs can still be counted. -Non-credit hours or hours completed in which no college credit hours were recorded cannot be counted in this outcome. #

28 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 60 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 5 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 20 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 10 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 1000 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment All credit hours earned in grant-funded programs should be reported for the year in aggregate. If a student left the grant-funded program or the college, any credit hours completed before he or she left still count. #

29 B.5a Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours
Definition: The total number of students who have enrolled that have completed any number of credit hours to date -Enter the number of students who earned any number of credit hours to date during the year. -Only students whose credit hours counted in B.5 can be counted in this data element. -If a participant left all grant-funded programs during the year but earned TAACCCT-funded credit hours, he or she may still be counted in this outcome. -Students who completed non-credit hours or hours in which no college credit hours were recorded cannot be counted in this outcome. #

30 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 60 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 5 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 20 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 10 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 1000 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 75 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment Only students whose credit hours counted in B.5 may be counted here. No matter how many credit hours they earn, each can only be counted once this year. #

31 B.6 Total Number of Earned Credentials
Definition: The total number of degrees or certificates earned to date by participants in grant-funded programs -Enter the aggregate number of degrees and certificates across all of your participants to date during the year. -Only the degrees and certificates of students who are considered participants can be counted in this data element. -If a participant left all grant-funded programs during the year, the degrees and certificates he or she did complete in TAACCCT-funded programs during that year can still be counted. -Degrees and certificates earned in non-TAACCCT funded programs by students who were participants at one time who cannot be counted. -The degrees and certificates earned must be industry-recognized. -Review TEGL 15-10 #

32 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 60 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 5 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 20 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 10 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 1000 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 75 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 65 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment Record in aggregate all credentials earned by participants. They must be industry-recognized. Multiple credentials earned by the same participant can be counted. #

33 B.6a, B.6b, B.6c B.6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (less than one year) :The total number of students who earned certificates designed to be completed in one year or less. B.6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (more than one year): The total number of students who earned certificates designed to be completed in more than one year. B.6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees: The total number of students who earned degrees. -Enter the number of students who earned this type of credential during the year. -Students can only be counted in each outcome one time, regardless of how many certificates of that type, or how many degrees are earned. However, a student can be counted in more than one type if more than one type is earned. #

34 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 60 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 5 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 20 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 10 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 1000 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 75 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 65 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 40 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 2 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment A participant can only be counted in each of B.6a, B.6b, and B.6c one time, but can appear in one, two, or all three of these outcomes. #

35 B.7 Total Number Enrolled in Further Education After Program of Study Completion
Definition: Of the total number of participants who completed at least one grant-funded program of study, enter the total number of individuals to date who entered another program of study (grant-funded or not) -Students must be first entered into this outcome only during the year in which they complete their grant-funded program. -Students who are entered into this outcome cannot be simultaneously entered during the same year into the outcome for “Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion” (more on this later) #

36 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 60 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 5 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 20 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 10 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 1000 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 75 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 65 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 43 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 2 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 3 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment For students who complete a program and are still enrolled in an educational program, record that here, instead of B.3, #

37 APR Table 1: Example One, B.5-B.6
Ed Thomas enrolls in a TAACCT-funded program to earn an AS in Electrical Engineering. This program requires 45 credits, taken over a period of 18 months. Ed earns 30 credits during Year One, 15 credits during Year Two, and the AS in Year Two. Year 1 Report: Year 2 Report: B.1 – B.4 B.1, B.3 B.2 B.5 – Total Credit Hours Completed 30 15 B.5a – Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 1 B.6 – Total Number of Earned Credentials N/A B.6a – Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (less than one year) B.6c – Total Number of Students Earning Degrees

38 Quiz #2 In his first year, Hartford earns a 16-week certificate in Early Childhood Education Level 1. He then earns a second 16-week certificate in Early Childhood Education Level 2. How many times can he be counted in B.6a, “Total Number of Students Earning Certificates (Less Than One Year)”? A. Zero B. One C. Two #

39 Reporting Employment Outcomes
B.8 – B.10 #

40 B.8 Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion
Definition: Of the total number of participants who were not incumbent workers and who completed at least one grant-funded program, enter the total number of individuals to date who entered unsubsidized employment in the first quarter after the quarter in which the student exits the college. -Exit is defined as being no longer enrolled at the college in any program of study (grant-funded or not) and can include formal withdrawal, expulsion, graduation, and other reasons. -Students who are entered into this outcome cannot be simultaneously entered during the same year into the outcome for “Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion.” -Students must be entered into this outcome only one time and can only be entered into this outcome when they have actually exited the college. #

41 More on B.8: When the Student Has to Enter Employment
If a student becomes employed after completing the first program but also enrolls in another program at the same time, as long as he or she is still employed in that first quarter after exiting the college, he or she can still be counted as having entered employment. This means that in the following scenarios, participants can be counted as having entered employment: Complete program exit find a job next qtr. Complete program enter new program exit find a job next quarter Complete program find a job and enter new program exit still employed in the next quarter #

42 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 60 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 5 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 80 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 1 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 1000 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 75 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 65 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 43 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 20 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 2 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 3 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment Only participants who completed a grant program this year and have exited the institution (and who are not incumbent workers) can be counted here. #

43 B.9 Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion
Definition: Of the total number of participants who were employed in the first quarter after the quarter in which the student exits the college (B.8), enter the total number of individuals to date who were employed in the second and third quarters after exit. -This definition necessarily excludes incumbent workers, because only students who were not incumbent workers were eligible to be counted in B.8, and this outcome can only include participants who were counted in B.8. -This outcome can only include participants who were retained in employment in the second and third quarters after that third quarter after exit. -If they were only retained in the second quarter, but not the third, they cannot be counted. #

44 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 60 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 5 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 80 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 1 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 1000 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 75 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 65 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 43 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 20 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 2 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 3 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment Students counted here, must first be counted in B.8 and retained in employment in both the second and third quarters afterward. #

45 B.10 Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Received a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment
Definition: Of the total number of incumbent workers (those employed at enrollment) who enter a grant-funded program, enter the total number who received an increase in their wages at any time after becoming enrolled. -To be counted in this outcome: The incumbent worker must enroll in a grant-funded program, but does not have to finish it The wage increase can occur at any time during the period of performance The wage increase does not necessarily have to be associated with grant-funded training -An incumbent worker can be included in this outcome only once, regardless of how many wage increases he or she may receive. #

46 B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required)
Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 2. Total Number of Participants Who Have Completed a Grant-Funded Programs of Study 60 2a. Total Number of Grant-Funded Program of Study Completers Who Are Incumbent Workers 5 3. Total Number Still Retained in Their Programs of Study (or Other Grant-Funded Programs) 80 4. Total Number Retained in Other Education Program(s) 1 5. Total Number of Credit Hours Completed (aggregate across all enrollees) 1000 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 75 6. Total Number of Earned Credentials (aggregate across all enrollees) 65 6a. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - Less Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 43 6b. Total Number of Students Earning Certificates - More Than One Year (aggregate across all enrollees) 20 6c. Total Number of Students Earning Degrees (aggregate across all enrollees) 2 7. Total Number Pursuing Further Education After Program of Study Completion 3 8. Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion 9. Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion 10. Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment Wage increases can occur any time after enrollment for any reason, however, only the first wage increase for incumbent workers can count. #

47 APR Table 1: Example One, B.7-B.10
Maggie Mitchell completes a TAACCCT-funded certificate in Year 1 and immediately gets a job. She continues into another program, also in Year 1, and continues it in Year 2. In Year 2, she exits the college without finishing the program and is still employed. Two quarters later, also in Year 2, she is still employed. Year 1 Report: Year 2 Report: B.7 – Total Number Enrolled in Further Education 1 B.8 – Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion B.9 – Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion B.10 – Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment

48 APR Table 1: Quiz B.7-B.10 Maggie Mitchell, who is an incumbent worker, completes a TAACCCT- funded certificate in Year 1 and immediately gets a new job with a raise. She continues into another program, also in Year 1, and continues it into Year 2. In Year 2, she exits the college without finishing the program and is still employed. Two quarters later, she is still employed. Year 1 Report: Year 2 Report: B.7 – Total Number Enrolled in Further Education B.8 – Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion B.9 – Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion B.10 – Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment

49 APR Table 1: Quiz B.7-B.10 Maggie Mitchell, who is an incumbent worker, completes a TAACCCT- funded certificate in Year 1 and immediately gets a new job with a raise. She continues into another program, also in Year 1, and continues it into Year 2. In Year 2, she exits the college without finishing the program and is still employed. Two quarters later, she is still employed. Year 1 Report: Year 2 Report: B.7 – Total Number Enrolled in Further Education 1 B.8 – Total Number Employed After Program of Study Completion B.9 – Total Number Retained in Employment After Program of Study Completion B.10 – Total Number of Those Employed at Enrollment Who Receive a Wage Increase Post-Enrollment

50 Reporting Demographics and Other Information:
Sections C, D and F #

51 #

52 A couple of items of note in Section C
Gender (C.1a - Male and C.1b – Female) The combined number of males and females must match the number of participants you enter for the year. Incumbent Workers (C.4a) “Employed at enrollment” The number entered here must be greater than: The number you entered for incumbent workers who are completers (B.3a) The number you entered for incumbent workers who receive a post-enrollment wage increase (B.10) #

53 C.10: Create Your Own Outcome Measures!
Up to five customized measures Title Description Count (Number of Students Achieving the Measure) Measures Will: Show up on your APR Reappear each year so you can update the count #

54 #

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56 Achievements and Successes
Section D Achievements and Successes Narrative field One innovative achievement or greatest success story Up to 700 characters #

57 Section F Services and Outcomes for TAA Eligible Individuals
Data element fields and narrative field The number of TAA-eligible individuals who participated in TAACCCT-funded programs How many TAA-eligible individuals enrolled and obtained credentials, certificates or degrees How many TAA-eligible individuals enrolled and did not obtain credentials, certificates or degrees The average duration for TAA-eligible individuals (in weeks) How the training duration to date compares to that of non-TAA- eligible participants Narrative field To provide a description or summary using observations or participant records of the information requested #

58 Validating, Certifying and Submitting your Report

59 #

60 Report Validation Edit checks are in place to ensure that all fields are completed and filled out properly No fields where answers are required have been left blank Proper formats have been entered (text or numbers) No logical inconsistencies in numbers exist (e.g., number of completers isn’t greater than number of participants #

61 #

62 Example Error Correction
EXAMPLE ERROR: Table 1 Section B Item B5_5A COMP_CREDIT must not be greater than Unique Participants Served/Enrollees (B1) REFERENCE: Table 1: APR Section B Item B5_5A: B.5a COMP_CREDIT: Number of Students Completing Credit Hours B. Cumulative Participant Outcomes (All Participants) (All fields required) Year 1 (A) 1. Unique Participants Served/Enrollees 100 5a. Total Number of Students Completing Credit Hours 200 #

63 #

64 #

65 #

66 #

67 Please enter your questions in the Chat Room!

68 Please send to the TAACCCT mailbox at
Follow-Up Questions Please send to the TAACCCT mailbox at and copy your FPO. #

69 Find resources for workforce system success at:
Thank You! Find resources for workforce system success at: #

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