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Geography plays a vital role in development.

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1 Geography plays a vital role in development.
Ancient Egypt Geography plays a vital role in development.

2 Warm up 1. Upredictable flooding led to people having to work together, cities form, job specialization happens. 2. It required everyone to follow strict rules designed around protecting the weak and making sure everyone pulled their weight.

3 Egypt and the Nile River
The Nile River created very fertile ground in what was otherwise a desert in North Africa. It flooded around the same time every year and this contributed to the rich soil

4 How the Nile affected lives…
People had to band together to help contain the damage of the annual flood. They built reservoirs to store water, and irrigation ditches to help water their crops.

5 The Nile Unites There were two regions of Egypt, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. The Nile connected these two regions and united them into what we know as the Egyptian Kingdoms.

6 Egypt’s Government The leader was known as the “Pharaoh.” He was seen as both human and god. He had absolute power and owned all the land. Under the Pharoah were many different people who were in charge of many different things. This is known as bureaucracy. Someone was in charge of irrigation Someone was in charge of tax collection Someone was in charge of farming….etc.

7 The Pyramids Ancient Egyptians built many pyramids and their purpose was to provide a final resting place for important Egyptians, like the Pharaohs.

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