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Presentation on theme: "RAM PRIDE."— Presentation transcript:


2 What Fills Your Cup? Write one thing at this time.
Make sure that the pic of the cup is printed and copy. Whatever design Angie wants to use.

3 What is RAM PRIDE? As a table group, develop a definition of RAM PRIDE and post it on the padlet. In the explanation of this, link together pride and positivity. Help them to see that negativity gets in the way of productivity and ultimately RAM Pride. We can send them an with the padlet links before the presentation. Also, those who have computers, we need to remind them to bring them.

4 What are some of the things that can limit RAM PRIDE?
Turn and talk Mindless vs. Justified Complaining What is the difference? Turn and talk.

5 Are you a complainer? 35-30: You are a major complainer. Complaining has become a habit for you and it’s time to do a No Complaining Fast and action plan. 29-24: You are a complainer. You spend too much time on the Complain Train. Get on the Energy Bus instead. 23-18: You’re in the middle of the road. Shift gears, focus on the positive, and spend more time on the positive road. 17-12: Complaining isn’t much of an issue for you. Stay Positive! 11-6: You almost never complain. Keep cultivating and sharing the positive energy! Self Assessment – what is your mindset? Need to make copies of the quiz.

6 Cost of Negativity Negativity costs the U.S. economy between $250-$300 billion every year in lost productivity (Gallup Organization) 90% of doctor visits are stress related (CDC) #1 cause of office stress is coworkers and their complaining ( A study found that negative employees can scare off every customer they speak with-for good. (How Full Is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath) Negativity costs time, well being, and productivity. Impacts morale, productivity, and the health of the individuals and team.

7 Cost of Negativity Negativity affects the morale, performance, and productivity of our teams. One negative person can create a miserable work environment for everyone else. Negative emotions are associated with the following: Decreased life span, increased risk of heart attack, increased risk of stroke, greater stress, less energy, more pain, fewer friends, less success

8 Student & Employee Gallup Data 2013
ENGAGEMENT Involvement with and Enthusiasm for School Employee 2% Student 40% NEGATIVES 16% Discouraged 35% Stuck 34% Not Engaged 26% Actively disengaged 35% Struggling 1% Suffering Academics Attendance Discipline Drop Out HOPEFUL Future Drives for Effort & Achievement Credits, GPA, College Ready Employee * Student 49% Well-Being Beliefs & Experience linked to Achievement, Retention & Employment Employee * Student 64% Gallup is used to maximize what is going well in the schools. Identify what is best and who are the caring adults in their schools. Highly engaged school is a place where students thrive. The by product of our actions are reflected in the Gallup poll. The by product of this has negative factors that can be turned around. We need to acknowledge the negatives this data is providing us and grow from it. Stuck: These students have few ideas about the future and lack the requisite motivation to achieve goals Discouraged: These students have few ideas and possess negative conceptualizations of the future. They lack goal orientation and skills needed to navigate pathways to achieve their goals. They are more likely to be actively disengaged at school. Employee 2% indicates per Gallup “Checked Out”

9 Justified vs. Mindless Complaining
The goal is not to eliminate complaining. Goal: Eliminate mindless complaining that doesn’t serve a greater purpose. You mindlessly focus on problems. Justified: You identify a problem and the complaint moves you toward a solution. Every complaint represents an opportunity to turn a negative into a positive. SOLUTIONS FOCUSED!

10 Building Capacity John Wooden, UCLA Basketball Coach
Wooden never focused on winning. He focused on developing his players. He focused on improving their fundamentals, skills, character, and teamwork. He focused on people instead of outcomes and as a result won… a lot. Winning is the by-product of great effort, leadership, coaching, teamwork, and positive energy. We are focusing on our people and through the problem solving process intend to build a collaborative culture filled with positive energy.

11 The No Complaining Rule
People are not allowed to mindlessly complain to their coworkers or team members. If they have a problem or complaint, they are encouraged to bring the issue to their supervisor or someone in a position to address the complaint. However, the team member must also have thought of one or two possible solutions to share. PM: Many organizations have implemented the no complaining rule

12 Need to make copies

13 Need to make copies

14 Six Ways To Bury A Good Idea
ALWAYS BELIEVE THERE ARE OPTIONS!!! We can make it work. We need to find options. Maybe we should look for a less expensive option. We are excited about learning a new way to do things. I am willing to explore new possibilities. I am ready for anything. We are all connected working towards the same common goal. Change can bring new opportunities. 1. It will never work. 2. We can’t afford it. 3. We have never done it that way before. 4. We are not ready for it. 5. It is not our responsibility. 6. We are doing fine without it. Intro to problem solving ALYWAYS BELIEVE THERE ARE OPTIONS!!! We can make it work We need to find Options. Maybe we should look for a less expensive option. We are excited about learning a new way to do things. I am willing to explore new possibilities. I am ready for anything. We are all connected working towards the same common goal. Change can bring new opportunities.

15 Gallup Student Poll Overview
Hope- the ideas and energy we have for the future. Hope drives attendance, credits earned, and GPA of high school students. Hope predicts GPA and retention in college, and in some studies, hope scores have been shown to be a more robust predictor of college success than high school GPA, SAT and ACT scores. Engagement- the involvement and enthusiasm for school. In K-12, engagement distinguishes between high performing and low performing schools. Well Being- how we think about and experience our lives. Well being tells us how students are doing today and predicts their success in the future. High well-being and engagement together are powerful drivers of performance PM

16 Student & Employee Gallup Data 2013
ENGAGEMENT Involvement with and Enthusiasm for School Employee 2% Student 40% NEGATIVES 16% Discouraged 35% Stuck 34% Not Engaged 26% Actively disengaged 35% Struggling 1% Suffering Academics Attendance Discipline Drop Out HOPEFUL Future Drives for Effort & Achievement Credits, GPA, College Ready Employee * Student 49% Well-Being Beliefs & Experience linked to Achievement, Retention & Employment Employee * Student 64% PM: Gallup is used to maximize what is going well in the schools. Identify what is best and who are the caring adults in their schools. Highly engaged school is a place where students thrive. The by product of our actions are reflected in the Gallup poll. The by product of this has negative factors that can be turned around. We need to acknowledge the negatives this data is providing us and grow from it. Stuck: These students have few ideas about the future and lack the requisite motivation to achieve goals Discouraged: These students have few ideas and possess negative conceptualizations of the future. They lack goal orientation and skills needed to navigate pathways to achieve their goals. They are more likely to be actively disengaged at school. Employee 2% indicates per Gallup “Checked Out”

17 Be the Filter Activity

18 Collaborative Success-PRIDE
What will it look like at RHS? . Engagement ? % Hopeful Well Being ? % Show the scale and monitoring plan template

RAMS Bucks Privilege Cards Student of the Month Padlet: In addition, what can you do in your classroom to recognize students to development a supportive and positive learning environment?


21 Commitment to Positivity
Using the padlet, write a commitment to positivity for the school year.

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