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Human Trafficking Branch Program

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1 Human Trafficking Branch Program
Jan. 24, 2015

2 The Reston Herndon Branch Meeting
Human Trafficking: Here, There and Everywhere 02/24/2015 Human Trafficking is a global and local scourge. More than 250 victims of human trafficking identified in Northern Virginia in past year with perpetrators and victims reaching into the teenage population. Globally millions are trafficked and enslaved.

3 Awareness and Action To educate on the critical nature of this problem, we began our program with a film about human trafficking and contemporary slavery, Not My Life (VIEW FILM) followed by Susan Conway, International Justice Mission (IJM), and Suzanne Pigg, Shelter House, both helping victims, usually women and girls, end their existence in this modern slavery. The program stressed practical assistance, i.e., in kind and monetary donations to speakers’ organizations, education and awareness for teens and adults and next steps.

4 IJM is global organization that protects the poor and trafficked from violence in the developing world. Their global team includes hundreds of lawyers, investigators, social workers, community activists and other professionals at work in nearly 20 communities.

5 Local Help Shelter House and Artemis offer a safe, confidential location and supportive counseling to individuals and their children who are fleeing violent situations.

6 Members engaged and learning

7 The Herndon Community Leo Club went door to door during the Hindu Holiday of Dwali singing and raising awareness about the serious issue of Human Trafficking and raising funds for victims. They presented the funds they raised to IJM and Shelter House, helping victims worldwide and in their local community.

8 Donations to Shelter House and Educational and Outreach Literature

9 Participants sign in and share ideas

10 Leaders help launch awareness and engage others

11 Sharing information about the pressing needs

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