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Chapter 3.4 Confucius and Daoism

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1 Chapter 3.4 Confucius and Daoism
“By nature, men are pretty much alike. It is learning and practice that set them apart.” 551 BC—479 BC Do you buy this? How do you set yourself apart? What type of mindset is this?

2 Focus Q: Sept. 26 Write down 2 great pieces of advice you would give to your children.

3 Focus Q What have you learned in this chapter?
Write at least a ½ page. Think about: Palo- and Neolithic Age? Artifacts? Culture? Domesticating plants, animals? Characteristics of Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism?

4 Wisdom of Confucius….. Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. It is easy to hate and it is difficult to love. This is how the whole scheme of things works. All good things are difficult to achieve; and bad things are very easy to get.

5 Felt educated people had the responsibility to serve in the govt.
**Notes on Confucius Dedicated himself to public service and education at an early age **Confucius has no interest in spiritual matters.** Felt educated people had the responsibility to serve in the govt. Developed philosophies and guidelines for the proper way to live.

6 Confucius says……. 1. “let there be no evil in your thoughts”
2. “When you know a thing, to recognize that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to recognize that you do not know it. That is knowledge.”

7 Unlike Buddha, Confucius was not interested in religion
Unlike Buddha, Confucius was not interested in religion. He developed a philosophy that was interested in what 2 goals? (97) Ensuring: social order and good government Again….no interest in spiritual matters

8 Confucius taught that harmony resulted when people accept their place in society. What did he put above all duties? *Filial piety: respect for your parents* (exam)

9 What’s this?

10 13,170 miles long

11 Explain the concepts of Yin and Yang.
The universe reflected a delicate balance btwn these 2 forces: Yin: linked to Earth, darkness, and female forces Yang: heaven, light, and male forces The well-being of the universe depending on a balance btwn yin and yang

12 Heaven and Earth Light and Darkness Male and Female

13 What did the philosophy of Daoism concern itself with?
**Daoists tried to live in harmony with nature** They stressed the simple ways nature and the virtue of yielding “water does not resist, but rather yields to outside pressure—yet it is an unstoppable force”

14 Daoists reject…… Conflict and strife—vigorous or bitter conflict, discord. Think of how much time we spend thinking about conflict and how that impacts our thoughts and actions!  Don’t let conflict consume you!!

15 Creative side Using Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism:
Make a symbol or picture for 3 religions. Include a caption that explains each symbol/pic. In one quadrant, make a simile using any info from any of the above religions. (CANNOT COMPARE TWO RELIGIONS) ____ is like ____ because _________.

16 Religion Picture and caption Simile ___ is like ___ b/c ___.

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