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Government and Diversity

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Presentation on theme: "Government and Diversity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Government and Diversity
SOL 3.11 f, 3.12 (a,b,c), 3.13

2 What is a community? A community is where people live, work and play together.

3 How can people help the community?
Activity: Around the Room Look at the picture. Decide how is the person helping the community? Record your answer on your paper. Look at the paper carefully. Some clues are hidden! There could be more than one answer, so you may write more than one.

4 Around the Room: Helping Our Community Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Around the Room: Helping Our Community Name: ____________________________ Date: __________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

5 1.

6 2.

7 3.

8 4.

9 5.

10 6.

11 Closing Discussion Turn and talk to discuss and then you will share your answers with the class.
How does serving the military help the community? We just saw a picture of people building houses and working in a garden. How do these project help our community? How does voting help the community?

12 Rules and Laws Keep Communities Safe
Rule: Guidelines for how people should act or behave Rules are made at school, home and other place in our community like the pool and library. They help to protect us and our property. Without rules people could get hurt and property could be damaged. Laws: Important rules written and carried out by government. ] Written by Congress Police officers help enforce the law

13 Let’s Play Rule or Law! Directions: Read the slide.
Hold up the Rule card if it shows a rule. Hold up the Law card if it shows a law.

14 Rule Law

15 You must obey the speed limit while driving.

16 Be respectful to your teacher.

17 Brush your teeth before bed.

18 You must tag the base in order for your run to count in baseball.

19 You can not steal from others.

20 Do not throw trash out of your window while driving.

21 Do not talk while in line in the hallway.

22 All adults must pay their monthly bills.

23 Turn in your homework everyday.

24 Quick Check for Communities, Rule and Laws
Name _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Quick Check for Communities, Rule and Laws Draw and name the community you live in. (2 pts.) 2. Complete the chart below. Circle law if the sentence is a law and circle rule if it is a rule. (6 pts.) 3. What school rule do you think is the most important for us to follow and explain why you think this rule is the most important. (2 pts.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Raise your hand in class. Rule Law Stop at a red stop light when driving. Be silent in the library. Clean up after yourself. Adults must pay taxes. Be kind to others.

25 What is government? The government helps protect us and keeps us safe.
The government has three main goals: Make laws Carry out laws Decide if citizens break the laws.

26 What is government? Our government is a Republican form of government.
It is called a representative democracy. A representative democracy means you vote on your leaders to represent you by making decisions about laws. Turn and talk question: What leaders do we vote for in this country?

27 Activity: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words- Looking at Our Government
Think, Pair, Share Directions: Look at the picture on the screen. Think about what is going on in the picture. When time is up, partner up. Write down your thoughts about the picture onto the graphic organizer: (guiding questions) What do you see in the picture? - list the words. Where are the people? What are they doing? Why are they there? You will share your thinking with the class.

28 Name: _____________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ “ A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words” Explaining Governement through Photographs. Photograph 1 Photograph 2 What do you see? Where are the people? What are they doing? Why are they there? Photograph 2 What do you see? Where are the people? What are they doing? Why are they there?

29 Government

30 Our Government What did the picture show? Did you say…
What do you see in the picture? - list the words. Men, women, flag, desks, chairs – The congress people we voted for! Where are the people? Congress- Capital Building What are they doing? Making and discussing laws Why are they there? To create and pass laws to keep us safe Our government makes laws.

31 Government

32 Government What did the picture show? Did you say…
What do you see in the picture? - list the words. The President we elected or voted for! Desk, papers (laws), pen Where are the people? White House What are they doing? Approving Laws- saying yes or no to laws Why are they there? To deicide if a law should be finalized and created- to carry out laws Our government carries out laws.

33 Our Government

34 Our Government Our government decides if the laws are broken.
What did the picture show? Did you say… What do you see in the picture? - list the words. Men, women, flag, desks, chairs Where are the people? Courtroom What are they doing? Listening to the people share their cases and stories. Why are they there? To decide if the person is guilty of a crime. Our government decides if the laws are broken.

35 Why have a government? Governments are necessary because the laws they make protect the rights and property of individuals like you and me. We vote for and select our congress people, president, governors and mayors. These people represent in our Representative Democracy! Watch the Brain Pop Jr. clip on Branches of Government

36 Teacher notes: There are two activities for diversity. One is a non food activity in case your class has many allergies. This activity requires that book: The Crayon Box that Talked by Shane Detrol. A video link is provided. The other activity does involve food, but you can change any of the items to fit your class needs. Here is a link to the video on You Tube:

37 Diversity Activity 1: Crayons that Talked
Choose one color crayon. Draw a picture using that one color. Now draw the picture again using as many colors as you can. Discussion Questions: How does your first picture differ from your second picture? Why does the second picture better represent the item that you drew? Read or Watch the Crayons that Talked:

38 Draw a picture using one crayon
Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________ Draw a picture using one crayon Draw the same picture using many colors Draw a picture using one crayon Draw the same picture using many colors

39 Discussion Questions Why is it important to have different colors in the crayon box? How are the crayons like people? What does the word diversity mean? Crayons are diverse by color. In what ways can people be different from one another? (record on chart paper)

40 How do people show diversity?
Name three ways people can be diverse. Draw a picture of yourself and color the crayon your favorite color. Name: _____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

41 Teacher notes for Activity 2
Before the lesson you will need to buy food for your trial mix: Items can include but are not limited to: Pretzels Marshmallows M&M’s or Chocolate Chips Cheerios or Chex Raisins or Craisins (or other dry fruit) Yogurt Bites Sunflower Seeds 2. To start the activity only show the class one food item like cereal- don’t start with chocolate.

42 Diversity Activity 2: Diversity Trail Mix
1. Look at our ingredient and answer questions 1-3. 2. Share your answers to the questions and listen to suggestions on how to improve the trail mix. 3. Discuss: Why do we need to improve the trail mix? 4. Make the trail mix together. 5. Discussion: How are the ingredients like people? What does the word diversity mean? The food are diverse by taste, color, and size. In what ways can people be different from one another? (record on chart paper)

43 Diversity The American people come from different ethnic origins and different countries, but are united as Americans by the basic principles of a republican form of government, including individual rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; and equality under the law.

44 Name: __________________________________________________
Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________ Today we are going to make Trail Mix! 1. Draw our ingredient. 2. Will we have a good trail mix? Explain why or why not. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Can you think of a way to improve our trail mix? Explain what you would do. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Name three ways people show diversity. 5. How does a diverse group of people make a community better?

45 Government and Diversity Unit Performance Assessment (10 pts.)
Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________ Government and Diversity Unit Performance Assessment (10 pts.) You are now the mayor of a new town! You have a lot of work to do. Complete the questions and activities below as you prepare to run your own city! The very first step is to name your city: _________________________________________________ The second step is to write community laws. You need to create a law for each of the following areas: Now, how will you make sure people follow your rules? Name at least two examples. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Think of two town shops that will celebrate the diversity of the town. Name the shop and explain what it will sell. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ You are the town mayor in a representative democracy. Explain how you become mayor. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oh, no! A horrible thunderstorm has caused trees to fallen into the main street and hit the town library roof. Luckily no, one was hurt. Name two ways your townspeople can help the community? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Write a law that protects people’s property. Write a law that enforces honesty and trustworthiness in your community.

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