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2.Was his assassination warranted? Explain your reasoning.

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1 2.Was his assassination warranted? Explain your reasoning.
Topic: Ancient Roman Contribution  Session: 64  A day: 3/28  B day: 3/29 1. Explain how Rome’s government changed under the rule of Julius Caesar. 2.Was his assassination warranted? Explain your reasoning.

2 4th

3 Pax Romana: Roman Peace
Vocab: Pax Romana: Roman Peace After Julius Caesar's death, Augustus ruled Rome. His rule was called the "Augustan Age" and began the "Pax Romana". During Roman Peace, Christianity spread, roads systems grew, and Romans could focus on advancements and improvements.

4 Legacy: something that came from the past
Rome's legacy The Romans played a major role in spreading Christianity in Europe and West Asia. They spread language and culture. They were also inventors of aqueducts and developed a lighter and stronger form of concrete. They learned how to build taller and stronger buildings, residential and official buildings.

5 Aqueducts: a system for moving water
When the Romans required more water for a large town or city, they built a channel to carry water from somewhere else. They constructed bridges for the channels.

6 WB: Why were aqueducts an example of human environmental interaction? Sketch an aqueduct in your composition book.

7 NOTES: Augustan Age Roman Empire grew through colonization Public buildings and lighthouse were built Trade increased Contributions in literature, art, architecture

8 What did the 
Romans do for 

9 Roman Contribution Topic Stops
Latin Roots Roman Numerals

10 What have the Romans done for us?
1. Examine the list on the left and pick the top ten you think are the most important contributions our society has received from the Ancient Romans and list them in order from 1-10 with #1 being the most important. 2. In a paragraph below your list, justify your reasoning for your #1 and #10 choices. 3. In your composition book, draw a modern day city and include as many contributions as you can from the Romans in your scene. Label each one. The winner gets CANDY! What have the Romans done for us?

11 3. We are going on a field trip to the park.
Quick Check! (Number your paper 1-10) Identify which Roman accomplishment/achievement relates to each modern day situation. 1. We passed our school bus on Community House road as we drove to school. 2. The police officer gave the lady a ticket for speeding in a school zone. 3. We are going on a field trip to the park. 4. I need to return my library book. 5. In November we will elect a new mayor. 6. My mom keeps a school calendar on our fridge. 7. The Panthers will hopefully make it to the next Super Bowl. 8. At the corners of Ballantyne Commons and Johnson Road there are four large arches. 9. It smelled awful when we passed the truck paving the road. 10.  I saved ten dollars in quarters for the soda machine.

12 Exit Slip: Which Roman achievement/contribution has had the greatest impact on our society? Justify your reasoning.

13 Homework: D.E. 10.3 and study Guide #10 and #16

14 Attachments ancient greece august.asf Whattheromansdidforus.ppt

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