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Early 20th Century Psychology

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1 Early 20th Century Psychology
Behaviourism Psychodynamic Humanism Humanism

2 Prep for learning Draw Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and outline how a school could ensure each level of the hierarchy could be met.

3 Or is it…?

4 Assumptions of Humanism
Key perspective: Humanism rejects attempts to explain human functioning in broad general principles. It sees us a unique, so to try to generalise is both pointless and dehumanising. Free Will – we are free agents who consciously choose our own behaviour. Rejection of the idea that our behaviour is determined by outside forces. 2. Self-actualisation – we are all motivated to self-actualise – to fulfil our potential and be all that we can be (whatever that means to us)

5 Assumptions of Humanism
The self, congruence and conditions of worth. Self = perception of who you think you are Ideal self = the person you want to be Congruence/incongruence – the extent to which these match. A gap creates negative feelings of self-worth and self- act isn’t possible. May also be harmed by conditions of worth (requirements for love) being communicated by parents – leads to low self-esteem.

6 Congruence

7 Goal of Therapy

8 Ideal vs actual self activity
Think of something you want to change. What will it look like when you have made the change? What are you currently doing? What will you do to bring about this change/When will it happen and how? What might get in your way (or what has prevented you from making this change before now)?

9 Influence on counselling psychology – make notes on each of these points
What is person-centred therapy What is meant by non-directive therapy? What is the aim of the person-centred counsellor? Why might this type of therapy not work with more serious mental health problems such as schizophrenia?

10 Application Activity - Joyce
In groups, use Humanistic psychology to explain how Joyce’s situation may affect her personal growth How would you go about assessing this? What are you going to consider? Comes from Apply it on page 21

11 Application Activity - Joyce
Consider each alternative for Joyce – teacher & dancer Consider where she is on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs What is her perception of self likely to be? What is her ideal self likely to be? How congruent would she be? If you were her therapist, taking a person-centred approach, how would you help her? Comes from Apply it on page 21

12 Applied Humanistic Psychology
Summerhill school (30 min DVD)

13 Applied Humanistic Psychology
Using your knowledge of the 3 key assumptions of Humanism, outline how the school reflects these in its approach to education. What do you see are the benefits of a humanistic approach to education? What arguments could there be against it?

14 Examples of Humanistic Concepts
Go back to your notes on the assumptions of Humanism and add examples of the concepts you have found from exploring ‘Joyce’ and Summerhill school. Add at least one example to each of the key concepts.

15 Exam Question Practice
Outline and evaluate the Humanistic Approach to Psychology (16 marks) In pairs, plan the ‘outline’ part of this question on an A3 sheet. WRITE BIG! We will put them on the board and pinch ideas from each other to improve them after your initial best effort.

16 Evaluation – in pairs Read the evaluation material on page 21 in your textbook. Pick one of the arguments and summarise on the back of your A3 sheet, using the PEEL structure we’ve practiced We will share them again on the board & discuss. You will then work through the rest of the paragraphs to summarise your evaluation for the approach.

17 Outline and evaluate the humanistic approach in Psychology.
Assumptions of humanism Evaluation (positive points) (negative points) Free Will Self-actualisation Self, congruence and conditions of worth Not reductionist (how/why?) Positive approach Application to counselling Limited application Untestable concepts Cultural bias


19 Homework for Half term 1. Complete your notes on evaluation of Humanism 2. Revise the 5 Approaches - assumptions 3. Complete revision notes on the Schizophrenia treatments 4. Prep: Complete the Issues & Debates sheet from the summer

20 Video links (Carl Rogers speaks on empathy for 15 minutes) (Rogers in 10 minutes) (Maslow in 10 minutes) (hierarchy of needs in the film Ratatouille) (Hierarchy applied to the film Up)

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