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Knowledge Perspective on Systems Engineering

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1 Knowledge Perspective on Systems Engineering
The Seventh National Conference INCOSE_IL 2013 Systems Thinking Session Knowledge Perspective on Systems Engineering Sergey Tozik Bernard M. Gordon Center for Systems Engineering, Technion

2 Process - Artifact Paradigm

3 Process - Artifact Paradigm
Resource Process Tool Tool Artifact Process= collection of individual tasks

4 People don’t do processes, they
Build Read Draw Write Think Discuss Learn Feel Reflect Argue Produce Procrastinate

5 Too complicated. Too mechanistic. Too American. What’s appropriate for us humans?

6 Organization Team Artifact

7 How do we account for the non-process parts of Systems Engineering?
How do we engineer them?

8 The answer: Go East (of US)! Humanistic Approach to Knowledge

9 Concepts Tacit Knowledge Basho ASHEN SECI Michael Polanyi
Ikujiro Nonaka Nishida Kitarō David Snowden

10 Snowden, D. 2000. Organic Knowledge Management: part I,
ASHEN Model Explicit Knowledge Artifacts Interaction Tacit Knowledge Skills Heuristics Natural Talent Experience Snowden, D Organic Knowledge Management: part I, The ASHEN model: an enabler of action. Knowledge Management. 3(7): pp

11 SECI Model

12 The Concept of Ba

13 Examples of Bas Preparation for design reviews (not the review shows)
IPT discussions Impromptu walk-in meetings Informal gatherings and parties

14 Learn by analysis and synthesis of information
Combination in SE The heart of SE processes Information in, Information out Systems Architecting Writing Requirement Documents Analyzing Test Information Learn by analysis and synthesis of information

15 Learn by articulating in language
Externalization in SE Elicitation of Requirements Articulation Design Concepts Meetings notes and action items Writing Test Reports Learn by articulating in language

16 Learn by shared experience
Socialization in SE Living the user experience Hanging out with the developers Assembling testing setups Operating the system in the tests Customer–on–site i i Learn by shared experience

17 Learn by exercise and practice
Internalization in SE Learning requirements before architecting Acquiring the “feeling of the system” before testing Building the heuristics of “what is right” Acquiring skills and experience Learn by exercise and practice

18 Managing by knowledge SE as creator of Bas
Organize discussions – not meetings Walk around, seek and create impromptu bas Create virtual learning spaces (Sharepoint?) Provide ample space for discourse and dissent SE as knowledge broker and knowledge integrator Don’t require documentation, document by yourself! Provide “externalization services” Learn in one place, teach in another Listen (and look) to yourself and to others What you see, hear and feel is as good as documents Right intuition are a product of quality internalization

19 Don’t do this by sitting in the office!
The Systems Integrator "[In the "Glue" role] the systems engineer serves as a proactive troubleshooter, looking for problems and arran­ging to prevent them … While the designers of the sub­sys­tems struggle to make their subsystems do what they are supposed to, the Glue systems engineer is watching to ensure that each subsystem is not going to interfere with the others.“ Sarah A. Sheard, 2000 Don’t do this by sitting in the office!

20 System Integration Example
Socialization Hang with developers Externalization Joint creation of informal notes about “as build” description Combination Create formal “as build” docs Design Integration Tests Run and report formal tests Internalization Build, test, feel and evaluate informally, decide

21 Conclusions Systems Engineering is more than processes, documents, models and prototypes – it’s incessant knowledge flow Most of the knowledge is tacit and not in artifacts – managing this knowledge is critical for the success Systems engineer has to create “learning spaces” (Bas) in order to energize knowledge creation and flow Systems engineer has to act as a “knowledge broker” when the Ba can’t be created in time Learning is the most important skill for SEs

22 Any answers?

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