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If you have difficulty, immediately notify an instructor.

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Presentation on theme: "If you have difficulty, immediately notify an instructor."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you have difficulty, immediately notify an instructor.
PLEASE TURN OFF ALL CELL PHONES PLEASE DO NOT: open the test booklets before you are instructed to. advance in the test until you are instructed to turn the page. write in the test booklets. BEFORE THE TEST BEGINS: Write your NAME (last, first) and SUID number on the sticker on the pouch. Then do a test recording of your voice: Slide the power switch down to turn on the recorder. Press the “REC/PAUSE” button and speak clearly. Check the recording by pressing “PLAY/STOP”. DURING THE TEST: Press the “REC/PAUSE” button to record your voice. Press the “REC/PAUSE” button to pause recording. WHEN THE TEST IS FINISHED: Press the square “STOP” button. Turn the recorder off by holding the power switch down. Put the recorder in the pouch and return it and the test booklet to an instructor. If you have difficulty, immediately notify an instructor.

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