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Bellwork: August 29 What does the term “legacy” mean?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: August 29 What does the term “legacy” mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: August 29 What does the term “legacy” mean?

2 The Legacy of Rome Rome Rap

3 Rome Left a Lasting Legacy in
Art Architecture Engineering Language Writing Philosophy Law Citizenship

4 Roman Art Heavily influenced by the Greeks
sometimes called “Greco-Roman” art Noted for lifelike statues and busts Decorated homes with murals and mosaics focused on frescos 3-D landscapes Blown glass Gem cutting and metal working cameos Renaissance artists revived style Many statues here in U.S. reflect Roman style

5 Roman Architecture and Engineering
vault dome concrete aqueducts roads

6 Architecture and Engineering
Important Architectural and Engineering Achievements: arch, vault, dome, concrete, stadium, triumphal arch, roads, bridges, and aqueducts. Architecture and Engineering that Influence Modern Life: designs of churches, banks, government buildings (including our Capitol dome), stadiums. Some modern roads are built over Roman roads and some aqueducts are used today.                                        

7 Roman Language and Writing
Latin After fall of empire: used by scholars and the Roman Catholic Church wealthy of Europe Romance Languages Italian, Spanish, French, Romanian, Portuguese Influences found in English Months of the year Roman numerals

8 Language and Writing Roman alphabet has 23 letters; English 26 letters (J, U, W) The numbers 1, 10, 100, and 1000 were written as I, X, C, and M. Roman language that influences modern life: proverbs, Latin root words and prefixes.

9 Latin Roots Used in English Words
Anima Meaning Life, breath, soul English Word(s) Animal, animated Civis Citizen, community Civic, civilian Lex, legalis Law, legal legislature Manus Hand manual Militare To serve as a soldier Military, militia Portare To carry Portable, portion Unus One United, union Urbs City Suburb, urban Verbum word Verbal, verbatim

10 Latin Prefixes Used in English Words
Meaning English Word(s) In, im, il Not Inactive, impossible, illogical Inter Among, between international Com, co Together, with Communicate, cooperate Pre Before Precede, previous Post After, behind postpone Re Back, again Remember Semi Half semicircle Sub Under. Less than, inferior to Submarine, substandard Trans Across, through transportation

11 Roman Thinking Philosophy Law Justice citizenship

12 Philosophy, Law, and Citizenship
Important Roman ideas: 1. Live in a way that agrees with nature 2. The only true good thing in life is to have good character 3. Everyone has natural rights Ways Roman philosophy, law, and citizenship have affected modern life: 1. Some legal codes are based on Roman laws 2. Many people today believe in natural rights as stated in the Declaration of Independence 3. In the U.S., all citizens have the same rights

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